
Friday, May 15, 2020

Wellsville Airport to hold High School graduation; town board axes highway worker; unsafe structure law rejected

The Regular Meeting of the Town of Wellsville, County of Allegany and the State of New York was held at the Wellsville Municipal Airport 2600 Tarantine Blvd on the 13th day of May 2020.
Present: Shad Alsworth, Supervisor
Patricia Graves, Council Member

Jesse Case, Council Member
Bill Fish, Council Member
Dean Arnold, Highway Superintendent
Willis Shutt, Airport Manager
Absent: Michael Miller, Council Member, Michael Finn, Town Attorney
Others Present:

Alsworth opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge to the flag.
Minutes:  Accepted as written with a motion made by Alsworth, seconded by Fish to reapprove all motions made at the April 8, 2020 Regular meeting and the April 29, 2020 Special Meeting. Carried.
Community Comment: None
Financial Report: Accepted as presented
Departmental Reports: Accepted as presented
CODE ENFORCEMENT: A motion was made by Fish, seconded by Graves to accept the Unsafe Structure law presented by the Code enforcement officer as written. After further discussion:
 Fish: No
Graves: No
Case: No
Alsworth No
Motion was not carried.
ASSESSOR: A Motion was made by Case, seconded by Graves to extend the employment of Nichelle Dannheim another 6 months/Carried

HIGHWAY: Clarification to Hill Crest if property is deeded or just an easement. Case to talk to County Clerk.
PARK: A motion was made by Fish, seconded by Graves to allow Dean Arnold to cut one of his park personnel back to 25 hours and hire another person for 25 hours. Arnold states that the extra monies needed for the fourth person would be absorbed in his park budget. This is in coordination with Town of Wellsville Emergency Management to keep up with and maintain sanitizing at the park when it reopens/Carried.
A. A motion was made by Case, seconded by Graves for Will Shutt Airport manager to sign pre-approval for Runway 10-28 Construction Grant in the amount of $2,842,585.00
B. A Motion was made by Case, seconded by Fish for Will Shutt, Airport Manager to sign pre-approval for REILS portion of Grant in the amount of $27,782.00

C. Old snowblower- contact board members when the bids come in.
D. Graduation: The Town of Wellsville was contacted by Ms. Mary Ellen O’Connell from the Wellsville Secondary School asking the town to consider allowing the school to hold Wellsville’s Graduation at the Wellsville Municipal Airport. A motion was made by Fish, seconded by Case allowing for this to happen. Motion was carried. The town board would also like to extent this offer to all other schools in the county to follow by the same guidelines presented in the letter below from the Wellsville Central Secondary School.
Schools can contact the Airport Manager to make arrangements: Will Shutt – 585-593-3350.
Re:       Request for consideration, Wellsville Municipal Airport and Graduating Seniors
Dear Mr. Alsworth, and Mr. Shutt,
I am writing to request your assistance as the Wellsville Central School is working to identify available options to safely recognize our community’s graduating seniors. Unlike prior graduating classes, the Class of 2020 will not experience a customary graduation due to the challenges and restrictions of COVID-19. When we talked with class leaders about the realities they face, the students were understandably disappointed. Their first request was to find a way for the class to “walk across the stage” and for their families to be there to see it. While we await further guidance from the State, we would like to respectfully inquire if the Town of Wellsville would consider allowing the School to host its graduation at the Municipal Airport. With the Airport’s space, the Wellsville community and school could together safely recognize the graduates so that each student may walk across the stage for his/her parents and families. 
This effort would certainly require significant planning, and coordination. I would be happy to arrange a video conference or conference call with representatives of the Town of Wellsville and the Airport (as you advise) and the School’s Superintendent, Dave Foster, to discuss the logistics of such an arrangement and to answer your questions. In the meantime, ideas for a ceremony held at the Airport include:
·         The ceremony is scheduled for June 26, 2020 at 7:00pm. A “rain date” is being reserved for Saturday, June 27, 2020.
·         Our request would be to hold the ceremony at the Wellsville Municipal Airport “ramp” area.
·         Graduates would arrive with their families in personal vehicles and remain in their vehicle during the ceremony, with the exception being the portion of the ceremony where each graduate will leave their vehicle one at a time to walk across the stage to pick up their diploma and then immediately return to their vehicle.
·         We have 95 graduates and will ask each family to use one personal vehicle. The exception will be for students who have parents who live in separate households. In total, we anticipate no more than 125 vehicles to be on site for this event.

·         The district would bring a portable stage to be placed on site. This stage would serve as the central location for our speakers to deliver commencement addresses.
·         We anticipate partnering with our local Radio Stations to broadcast the ceremony to the vehicles and the community in general.
These are unusual times. During the “pause” it is more apparent than ever how fortunate we are here in Wellsville. While we are hopeful the Airport may provide a solution, if it is not a possibility, please know that we appreciate your consideration.

Mary Ellen O’Connell
Wellsville Secondary School Principal
cc:   David Foster, Superintendent
Ms. O’Connell,

We will place this on the Agenda for our monthly Town Board Meeting (tomorrow evening) for Board approval.  I am confident that this will pass easily with no objection.  The Town of Wellsville is proud to support our school and the graduates that have suffered so greatly from this pandemic. Our young graduates have had to sacrifice some of the best days of their young lives to help their community to stay safe.  The least we can do is attempt to offer them this opportunity to share in this accomplishment and to celebrate their time at WCS.  I will confirm with our Board, but fully expect that we will direct our Airport Manager, Will Shutt, to deal directly with the school to assist in any manner required to ensure the success of this event.
Thanks again for allowing us to help make this event possible.  What a great use of a Town and County funded facility.
Shad Alsworth
Town Supervisor
FIRE PROTECTION POLICY: After extensive meetings, the Town of Wellsville and Village of Wellsville have nearly made a contract for approval at the June 10, 2020 Regular meeting.
ELM VALLEY CEMETARY: A motion was made by Case, seconded by Fish to approve and sent Tracy Waters the mowing contract for 2020.
ASSESMENT REVIEW BOARD: A motion was made by Fish, seconded by Graves to accept Ellen Ruckle’s resignation to the assessment review board/Carried. This will give the town a vacancy. If anyone has any interest in this position, please contact the Town of Wellsville’s Assessor.
DOG SHELTER AGREEMENTS: A motion was made by Graves, seconded by Case for supervisor to sign and have clerk send out the yearly shelter agreements
BOOKEEPER: A motion was made by Case, seconded by Fish to table budget transfers until further discussion with the bookkeeper to clarify confusion.
Alsworth: Talked about a discussion with Chris Martelle, Emergency Management Coordinator. A motion was made by Fish seconded by Case for Radio Designation for the county. EM1 would be Chris Martelle and EM2 would be William Day JR/ Carried.
Motion:     A motion was made by Fish to accept and pay Abstract #05 of 2020, seconded by Graves/carried
A – General Fund – Vouchers 101-129, $7,515.44 
B – Outside Village – Vouchers – 127, $329.99
DA –Highway Town wide – Vouchers 90,91,93,94,95,97,99,100,103-113, 116-117 - $17,771.05
DB – Highway Outside – Vouchers 92, 96, 98, 101, 102, 114-115, 117-118 - $17,473.22
EA – Airport – Vouchers 71-91 - $130.569.55
ESA – Assessor – Vouchers 11-12 $269.04
SL – Hillcrest Lighting District – Voucher 10 $13.51
SS2 - Special District Sinclair – Voucher 9 $104.59
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Fish; seconded by Graves to enter executive session to discuss employment history of a particular person. Carried  

REGULAR SESSION: A motion to enter regular session was made by Graves seconded by Case /carried. 
            A motion was made by Fish seconded by Graves the Town of Wellsville will be eliminating one position at the town highway department as determined in 2019 for the 2020 budget. Noted the town must maintain four HMEO positions and 1 HMEM for public safety.
ADJOURN: Fish/Case/Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Danielle Osgood
Town Clerk