
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Educational Foundation of Alfred, Inc. continues support of students through work-grant program

The Educational Foundation of Alfred, Inc., annually provides $10,000 to Alfred State students through its work-grant program, allowing students who are ineligible for Federal College Work-Study funds to find employment on campus.  The grant is renewable on an annual basis.
Additionally, departments within Alfred State can request student workers with specific skills and the work-grant coordinator attempts to meet those needs with appropriate student assistance.
Students funded through the Ed Foundation to work in specific areas on campus are considered “regular” employees of the college and are expected to maintain the level of professionalism required of their colleagues.
Currently for the 2019-2020 award year, six students were able to find employment with the offices of Athletics; Equity Inclusion and Title IX; Engineering and International Affairs through the work-grant program. The program provides students with employment opportunities, and campus offices with student personnel who have specialized talents. 
The program is administered through the Student Records and Financial Services Office.
The Educational Foundation of Alfred, Inc., is a private foundation representing faculty, staff, and friends of Alfred State dedicated to improving the college community through the support of educational programs.  The activities pursued by the Educational Foundation of Alfred, Inc., are governed by a board of directors made up of representatives from each of the following groups: alumni, College Council, faculty and staff, and friends of the college.
The Foundation provides monetary support to enhance learning opportunities for students through scholarships, work grants, and community service projects.  The Ed Foundation also funds the Building Trades programs’ hands-on home construction projects.
Additionally, the Foundation owns and maintains the School of Applied Technology campus in Wellsville.  The 22-acre parcel consists of more than 20 buildings with over 700 students enrolled in 14 programs. The programs, which stress “learning by doing,” incorporate traditional classroom experience with comprehensive “on-the-job” laboratory experiences.
Since 1966, the Foundation has invested more than $8 million in improvements on the campus.