
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Alfred University takes coronavirus precautions

From Alfred University president Mark Zupan:
As the covid-19/coronavirus situation continues to unfold across the globe, this note is to let you know about the preparations we are making and policies we are implementing to maintain a safe environment at our University.
During Spring Break (March 8-15), we will make on-campus housing available, free of charge, to students affected by coronavirus-related emergency declarations. International students whose home countries have been identified as “Do not Travel” areas by the U.S. State Department, and domestic students who are unable to travel home or are concerned about traveling home because of declarations of public health states of emergency in their hometown or state, are welcome to remain in our residence halls over Spring Break. Please contact Vicki Gebel, director of Residence Life ( for an on-line link to request on-campus Spring Break accommodations.
Our University is reviewing the status for various countries and states daily. We are not currently cancelling University-sponsored domestic travel. However, any international travel to a country that has declared a level 3 or level 4 covid-19 status will be cancelled. Anyone returning from a country designated at level 3 or 4 status will be expected to self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to our campus. 
The coronavirus situation is a continually evolving one, and we expect to see more countries added to the “no travel” list as the weeks progress, and will watch the status of our domestic front as well; we will continue to update the policy and the affected areas as warranted.
For a list of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)-designated states and countries currently listed as high-risk areas, go to this link:
For a list of the New York State Department of Health-designated states and countries currently listed as high risk areas, visit this link:
It is of utmost importance that all members of our campus community take the proper steps and preventive measures to ensure that any impact of the coronavirus on our campus is mitigated. This includes practicing safe hygiene—covering your mouth when sneezing/coughing; washing hands thoroughly with soap and/or applying hand sanitizer; and taking maximum advantage of sick leave available to faculty and administrative staff if flu-like symptoms develop. Additionally, any faculty or staff members experiencing a fever must stay home, and may only return to work after they have been fever-free for 48 hours.
We encourage all faculty, staff, and students to get a flu shot. It won’t prevent contracting covid-19, but it will reduce weakening of the immunological system. Flu vaccines are available at Wegman’s and Walmart in Hornell. We are determining whether and when we can administer the flu vaccine on campus and will provide updates if that option becomes available. We strongly recommend students who do go home for Spring Break to get a flu shot while they are home.
We also encourage faculty and staff to take advantage of the Telemedicine program offered by Alfred University’s health insurance provider, Univera. For more information about the program, procedures, and co-pays please contact Mark Guinan, head of our Human Resources department (
If you have questions about our University’s general policies with respect to the coronavirus outbreak please contact Michael Kozlowski, executive director of Marketing, Communication, and Government Relations (
For any questions related to returning to campus from an affected area or self-isolation durations and procedures please contact Del Rey Honeycutt, director of the Wellness Center and interim dean of students (
We want to ensure that we keep Alfred University a safe environment for all our students, faculty and staff. With some common sense procedures and the cooperation of all of us we are confident we can. We will communicate further as developments warrant.