
Monday, January 20, 2020

Reader speaks: Allegany County Public Health Dept. Flu Clinics - opinion

Opinion Column:
I am so disappointed in our county Public Health Department.
Allegany County Public Health Director, Lori Ballengee, decided that they were not going to go around the county and offer flu clinics at schools, senior centers, mfgs. etc., like they have for years. She stated that the flu vaccine was no longer allowed to be transported; after some research, this was found to be an outright lie. 
Because this is such a disservice to our rural county public, I, along with others, emailed our districts county legislators with our concerns.  I never heard back from any of the Legislators, but was informed that it is actually the Board of Health that is the governing body for the County Health. 

With the flu hitting hard in the county now, I am concerned this is part of the problem, and hope that it can be resolved before next years Clinic. 
After posting my concerns on social media, MANY comments were made, plus I received many text and personal messages from people afraid to put their name out there for fear of losing their jobs, or getting in trouble and having to deal with Lori Ballengee's rath,  and I am concerned there continues to be many issues in the County Health Dept that should be addressed (personnel issues, family planning, mismanagement of programs, etc).  
It is my hope that the Board of Health, Legislators and Public will take a good long hard look at the disservice Lori Ballngee and the BOH has done to the residents of Allegany County. 

Thank you, Lynne Roeske, District 3 Resident