
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Graves: "There is no need to wonder or guess"

To the Editor:

I have no personal animosity towards George Borrello.  I’ve only met him once and he seems like a nice person.  However, I’ve also learned you cannot judge a book by its cover.  What concerns me is what I found out about him later on.
My study indicates he has joined forces with a committee and people that I have serious doubts about. It appears to me that he has “sold his soul” to John Flanagan and Fred Akshar the leaders of the NYS Senate Republican Campaign Committee – the architects of Cathy Young’s departure from the Senate! 
It’s been reported that Mr. Akshar called her a “poor leader” and thus the implication being that she was incapable of leading the minority.  Sorry, but that just makes my blood boil.  I wonder if that was before or after revelations that he had a nonconsensual sexual relationship with the mother of a murder victim?
Recently released from Alcohol Rehab - Mr. Flanagan is from Long Island’s 2nd Senate District.  A place that has no interest, desire or want to help us here.  If fact – he voted for the “Safe Act” - and has played footsie with Andrew Cuomo for years.  It’s obvious to me all he is interested in is loyalty – and it looks like he is willing to do whatever is necessary to make that happen.
There is no need to wonder or guess.  Just go to the NYS Board of Elections website and check out Borrello’s and the NYS Senate Republican Campaign Committee’s filings.  The 32 Day Pre Primary Report indicated that George Borrello spent $33.61 on his “People Powered” campaign while the NYSSRCC spent at least $14,267.84 on his behalf. (The reports lack detail. Without specific knowledge it’s hard to tell who the spenders were/are.)
Facebook and the lodging, food and beverage industry in Chautauqua County appear to be the big winners so far.  With Facebook that matter consists of the use of their website, social media access and processing the link when you hit the donate button.  If you chose to do so obviously some of your donation will go to cover the Facebook charges. On May 20, 2019 Borrello reported income of $19,390.00- my assumption is most if not all of that came from their Facebook advertising.  In sort of a bet to win scenario, the NYSSRCC reported $18,785.08 in their coffers apparently pledge to George Borrello.  See Schedule “R” of the report.
“Team Flanagan”, as they call themselves, appear to like: the Wine Cellar, The Cherry Lounge, The Beer Snob, Shawbucks, Southern Tier Empty Pint and Duff’s.  Obviously, food is served at these restaurants – as well as alcohol.  Lots of mileage was reported to names that appear and reappear on the reports.  I didn’t add it all up because of the lack of detail in the reports.  Detail not required by the BOE.
In the latest report – filed three days late – the NYSSRCC has once again listed $18,785.08 apparently pledged to George Borrello.  In addition, my “guestimate” is they spent at least $4 to $5 Thousand on other ancillary expenses for Facebook, lodging, meals and mileage.
My question is – who do you think we should support?  The ones that drove Cathy Young away or the man who has supported her and pledged to carry on her legacy? My vote is going to Curt Crandall on Primary Day, Tuesday, June 25th.  He will “owe” no one other than you the Taxpayer. Your support for Curt would also be appreciated.
Karl E. Graves
2495 Lewis Road
Wellsville, New York 14895