
Monday, May 6, 2019

Genesee Valley School News

Genesee Valley traveled to the State Competition in Binghamton on March 23rd.  While in the staging area, five minutes before going on stage, one of the team members suffered a medical emergency sending them to the emergency room.  The team was given 20 minutes to figure out how to replace a key member and perform.  The Long Term Judges nominated the team for an OMER award for overcoming adversity with great spirit and positivity, and leaving a memorable impression on the judging team.  Sammy Micklus whose father started Odyssey of the Mind in 1978 and current member was in the audience watching the performance.  When he heard the full story, he was in awe and kept saying, “Now that is creativity.”  Team members were: Coach Ms. Vossler, Abby Snyder, Noah Hamilton, Paige Cochran, Tori Babbitt, and Trevor Mullen.