
Monday, March 4, 2019

Press Release from Chairman Curt Crandall - Allegany County Reacts to Senator Young's Resignation

The Allegany County Board of Legislators shares a sentimental, mixed-emotion, response to the announcement made by Senator Cathy Young that she will be stepping down as New York State Senator from the 57th District.
While Allegany County is saddened to see Senator Young leave her current position, at the same time they are excited for her and her new position knowing that the decision by the Senator was not made lightly. Senator Young has been a passionate and effective advocate of issues important to Allegany County citizens. From our veterans and senior citizens, to our first responders in the Fire and EMT Departments, to our roads and bridges, cancer services, health matters, highway and infrastructure issues, and agriculture, there was nothing that Cathy Young wouldn’t take on for the people of Allegany County. “We are going to miss Cathy Young a great deal” said Legislative Board Chairman Curt Crandall, “She has gone to bat for our County so many times it’s impossible to describe the gratitude we have for her. She has been an integral part of all major projects since she first became Senator as well as our Assembly Representative before that, and we are so proud of her.”
While she will certainly be missed as Senator, Allegany County is glad to know that Cathy Young’s new position as Director of the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech will keep her in a key position tied to economic development through agriculture which is so important to them and those in the farming community as well higher education and existing food processing sectors in the County.