March 20, 2019
Committee Members Present: D. Decker, K. Graves, G. Barnes,
W. Dibble, B. Harris, C. Crandall (Absent: D. Fanton)
Others Present: T. Boyde, C. Braack, J. Burdick, P. Curran,
K. Dirlam, L. Gridley, D. Healy, J. Hopkins, L. Hunsberger, C. Knapp, B.
Perkins, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, D. Root, T. Ross, P. Stockin, M. Washer
Media Present: C. Potter – The Spectator, C. Dutton – Cuba
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:03 p.m.
by Resource Management Committee Chairman David Decker.
Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Legislator Graves,
seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried to approve the Resource Management
Committee minutes of February 20, 2019. COUNTY HISTORIAN County Historian Craig
Braack attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee
for review. Legislator Graves asked what the March 2 talk was about for the
County Magistrates Association. Mr. Braack stated it was how our County and
Town lines came to be. History Awareness Week Committee Chairman Decker asked
if there are any plans underway for History Awareness Week. Mr. Braack stated
they recently held a meeting with the brochure designers. Once the brochure is
finalized, it will be sent to Dave’s Printing in Belmont, NY. Records
Management Legislator Graves asked if there are any updates with records
management. Mr. Braack stated they are in good shape; however, Social Services
is currently waiting for the go ahead from the State to move forward with
shredding old documents. Currently, the state has put a hold on any documents
being shredded which has led the department to be drowning in paperwork. SOIL
Soil and Water Conservation Executive Director Scott Torrey
was unable to attend the meeting but submitted his monthly report to the
committee for review.
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Waste
Storage Program
Committee Chairman Decker stated that he recently spoke with
Mr. Torrey regarding the CAFO Waste Storage Program and feels there needs to be
a lien placed on the properties that we provide a waste storage facility to.
Legislator Decker recently learned of a farm in the County who received a waste
storage facility two years ago, and they are now going to be selling out.
Legislator Decker continued that these liens will help in the instances where
farms go out of business because there will be a payback which will allow the
grant funds to be turned around and used elsewhere so they don’t keep dipping
into taxpayers’ pockets.
Youth Bureau Director Brian Perkins attended the meeting and
submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Perkins briefly
highlighted events he attended during the month of February and noted that he
is working with Genesee Valley Central School to plan a mock crash drill at
their campus that will also include surrounding schools.
Legalization of Marijuana
Legislator Barnes asked if there were discussions regarding
the legalization of marijuana at the NY State Association of Youth Bureaus
conference in Albany and whether or not they have a plan in place should it
come to fruition. Mr. Perkins stated the conference was for Youth Bureau
trainings and lobbying for monies to continue to be directed to them. It was
not in relation to STOP-DWI; therefore, no conversations were dedicated towards
the topic. Legislator Healy asked if Mr. Perkins believes legalization of
marijuana is positive or negative as far as the effect it will have on our
youth. Mr. Perkins stated in his opinion, it will be negative as there are a
lot of risks for our youth when it comes to the legalization of anything like
that. Mr. Perkins continued that they have plenty of discussions regarding the
topic in their PPAC meetings, and they will be steadfast in their approach to
continuously educate our youth on the dangers of not only marijuana, but
smoking, drinking, and all types of drugs.
Town of Independence Baseball Fields
Legislator Graves asked for an update on the meeting with
the Town of Independence regarding a request to use funds for necessary
upgrades to their youth baseball field. Mr. Perkins stated he discussed with
them that the funds we have are directly for programs, and he is not aware of
anything more we can provide them at this time.
Cornell Cooperative Extension Executive Director Laura
Hunsberger attended the meeting and submitted her monthly report to the
committee for review. Ms. Hunsberger briefly highlighted current and upcoming
events happening within Cooperative Extension.
Farmer’s Market
Committee Chairman Decker stated it is his understanding
that Olean, NY, is clearing out the trees at Lincoln Park and putting in a
permanent farmer’s market and asked if Ms. Hunsberger is aware of any updates
as he does not feel this is a good use of property. Ms. Hunsberger stated she
is not aware of how it’s being handled but she can ask and report back next
month. Legislator Stockin stated this has been a controversial issue for a long
time, and the Olean Times Herald indicated a bid was being awarded.
Flash Freezer
Legislator Graves asked about the flash freezer being placed
at the Jail. Ms. Hunsberger stated it is part of the Farm to School Program,
and the Jail has agreed to house these freezers that will be external to the
building so the schools can store their produce there. Committee Chairman
Decker asked how many schools are participating in this program, and Ms.
Hunsberger stated approximately five to eight.
Assisting Cafeteria Managers
Legislator Barnes referenced the assisting cafeteria
managers in Ms. Hunsberger’s report and asked what the connection is with
Hinsdale and Franklinville schools as they are not in the County. Ms.
Hunsberger stated that Cassandra Bull, Farm to School Coordinator, attends
cafeteria meetings on a monthly basis that are not just exclusive to Allegany
County. Currently, there are only discussions going on; however, if anything
further were to come of it, financials will be discussed.
There being no further business to come before the
Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m. following a motion by
Legislator Graves, seconded by Legislator Barnes, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary to the Clerk of the
Allegany County Board of Legislators