
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Felony arrest made after "hateful images" posted at Alfred State College

This is a statement from Matt Heller, Chief of Police, Alfred State:
On March 8th the University Police Department arrested Colin L. Kroening, 20, of Lockport,  NY for the felony crimes of Aggravated Harassment 1st and Criminal Mischief 4th as a hate crime.  Kroening was processed, arraigned, and sent to the Allegany County Jail in lieu of $500 cash bail. The investigation and subsequent arrest was the result of information provided to the police from the residential life staff within the residence hall. Alfred State and the University Police Department encourage members of the campus community to report incidents of this nature to University Police or the Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Title IX. 
Matthew D. Heller, Chief of Police
NYS University Police – Alfred
This statement was sent to students by the college president:
Good afternoon,

Last night while residence hall staff completed their rounds inside MacKenzie North, they quickly and dutifully reported a new etching of hateful images including a swastika and ‘KKK.’ University Police were already in the building and immediately began investigating. As a result, a NON-student visiting the campus was arrested for criminal mischief and felony aggravated harassment in the first degree. The subject was arraigned and remanded to the county jail in lieu of bail. He will be banned from being on our campus in the future pending additional proceedings. 
Hateful acts are inconsistent with not only the law, but also Alfred State’s Principles of Community that include personal integrity, civility, and inclusion. Behavior that makes others feel unsafe or harasses someone will not be tolerated.  If you observe or experience such behavior, SAY SOMETHING. I want to applaud the residential life staff for quickly reporting the incident, and to applaud and thank the University Police for their swift response and investigation that brought an investigative conclusion to the incident. 
Alfred State is here for all of you. We are known for being a caring community where people feel welcome. Unfortunately, the report of a hate crime reminds us that there is still work to be done.  I will stand with all who protect and enhance inclusion for every member of our campus community. 
Dr. Skip Sullivan
President, Alfred State