
Thursday, October 12, 2017

DiNapoli: Former Ontario Town Water Superintendent Charged With Covering Up

Former Ontario Water Superintendent Rodney Peets was arraigned in Wayne County Wednesday on charges of offering a false instrument for filing, tampering with a public record and official misconduct after a year-long investigation by the State Comptroller’s Office, the New York State Police, and Acting Wayne County District Attorney Christopher Bokelman, State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said.
Peets, 59, allegedly failed to take care of leaks in the town’s water system and then falsified reports to the town to cover up the loss of water. Peets is scheduled back in court on October 19.
Peets’ actions were exposed after the town Supervisor notified the Comptroller and law enforcement of the potential issue. The Comptroller then partnered with the State Police and District Attorney to fully expose Peets’ alleged crime.”
"Mr. Peets allegedly failed to correct the water system issue and falsified records to conceal his negligence," DiNapoli said. "Taxpayers have a right to expect accountability and transparency in government. I thank the State Police and Acting District Attorney Bokelman for their efforts to fight public corruption."
To date, DiNapoli’s audits and investigations have led to over 150 arrests and the ordered restitutions of over $50 million in public funds.