
Monday, April 24, 2017

Wellsville Police Dept participates in the “No Empty Chair Enforcement Campaign”

Just as a reminder to the motoring public that the Wellsville Police Dept. will be participating in the “No Empty Chair Enforcement Campaign”.
April 24-28, 2017 
·      Monday, April 24, 2017           Speeding in School Zones
·      Tuesday, April 25, 2017           Seatbelts and Child Restraints
·      Wednesday, April 26, 2017      Cell Phone Use and Texting
·      Thursday, April 27, 2017         Operation Safe Stop
·      Friday, April 28, 2017              Underage Drinking and Impaired Driving
No Empty Chair” Teen Driving Safety Campaign – April 24-28, 2017: Each year thousands of high school students across New York State look forward to attending their prom and graduation ceremony. For parents, siblings, educators and the community, these memorable moments become meaningless when a child dies in a car crash.

Regrettably, this scenario happens all too often and law enforcement is tasked with making the difficult “knock on the door”.  In an effort to reduce these tragedies, the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) launched the “No Empty Chair” educational campaign in 2014. The theme is to symbolize the missing high school senior on graduation day. To complement ongoing teen driver educational efforts, GTSC is encouraging law enforcement to once again participate in the "No Empty Chair" safe teen driver enforcement initiative during the week of April 24 - 28, 2017.