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Friday, April 7, 2017
Alfred: Putting our best foot forward (in purple and gold!)
The Alfred University community—alumni participation welcome!—is putting its best foot forward in memory of a beloved faculty member. Many of you will remember Dr. Gail Walker, a much-loved and respected professor of psychology, who died in 2005, after a long struggle with ovarian cancer. Even though she learned mid-way through the spring semester that her treatment options were exhausted, she continued teaching and was on hand at graduation just three weeks before her death. Gail was a 12-time winner during her 24-year career of Alfred University’s Excellence in Teaching Award, a remarkable achievement because faculty can only receive it every other year. After her death, friends and family created the Gail Walker Book Fund in her honor to provide assistance to students struggling to pay for books. Each year, our Support Staff Council has sponsored fund-raisers to replenish the Fund. This year, the Council is sponsoring “Purple and Gold Shoe Day” on April 28. Those wishing to participate may purchase shoe tags to pin to their purple/gold shoes. And if you don’t have purple or gold “kicks,” you may purchase shoelaces to show your support. Email Bailey Grillo ( more details. It’s a great way to show your Saxon Pride and honor a wonderful teacher who had such an impact on Alfred University. You may also make a gift online by selecting “Walker Book Fund” in the pull-down menu for “designations.”