Clearfield, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced the contractor for a bridge replacement project impacting a Route 4025 (Brizzee Hollow Road) bridge spanning Brizzie Hollow Run near Oswayo will begin Monday, March 24. Replacing it will remove a 17-ton weight limitation for single vehicles and a 24-ton limitation for combination vehicles while improving the overall condition rating from poor to good.
Starting Monday, the contractor will begin installing erosion and sedimentation control measures and setting up traffic control signage within the work zone. PennDOT does not expect this work to impact traffic as it will take place off the roadway.
Starting Monday, April 14, the contractor will close the bridge and implement a detour using Route 244 (Main Street/Oswayo Road) and Route 4023 (Eleven Mile Road). This detour will remain in place for the duration of the project.
Overall work on the project consists of demolishing the existing bridge, building its replacement, paving, guide rail installation, and miscellaneous construction. Twin Tiers Constructors, LLC. of Buffalo, NY, is the contractor on this $1.2 million project. PennDOT anticipates them completing the project in late August. All work is weather-dependent.