
Friday, June 12, 2020

Alfred University plans to reopen in the fall

ALFRED, NY – Alfred University is developing plans to reopen its campus for the beginning of the 2020-21 academic year, with classes scheduled to begin on Aug. 24.
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Alfred University campus has been closed to all but essential employees since March 23. Students received online instruction for the remainder of the semester, and faculty and all but essential staff have been working from home.
The State of New York has defined four phases to reopen businesses and other organizations. Phase 1 began May 15; colleges and universities are included in Phase 4, with the expectation that they can reopen in July, with a structured plan in place.
“Our objective is to provide the safest possible return to campus for students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors, while protecting the safety and well-being of our local community,” said Mark Zupan, Alfred University president. “Execution of the University plan will continue throughout the summer, based on guidance and input from relevant federal and New York State health and regulatory bodies.”
Four teams are working on elements of the University’s plan to reopen. Each team presented an outline of its plan to the University’s leadership team the week of June 8, with a more comprehensive draft plan to be presented to the same group on June 15.
Following is a brief overview of the teams and the specific areas of focus for each:
·         Academic Affairs—Focused on academic continuity, accreditation, courses and sections to be offered, course delivery methods, and exam schedules.
·         Campus Life—Focused on health and wellness (screening, testing and monitoring; mental health services), residential living (residence hall protocols and occupancy standards and guidelines), student recruitment, dining services, athletics, public safety, and student conduct (for on- and off-campus students), campus visitor compliance.
·         Operations—Focused on facilities design and retrofitting, logistics and operations, supply procurement, information technology services and infrastructure, student and employee training.
·         Communications—Focused on communicating plans, schedules, and requirements for reopening to all of the University’s audiences.
Following completion of each plan, the individual plans will be consolidated and submitted to the Western New York Reopening Task Force for review and approval.