
Friday, May 1, 2020

Mitrano Highlights Problems Impacting Farmers and Offers Solutions

Tracy Mitrano, Congressional Candidate for New York’s 43rd District presented the current issues facing our nation, from increasing debt from stimulus programs to the lack of testing as the district contemplates reopening commerce. She also referenced her 5-point critique on the stimulus check (see here).

“Our recovery plan so far, coming out of Washington with the President and with Congressman Tom Reed, is no less politically corrupt than the D.C. government has been before the epidemic,” she stated. “The virus has just made it more obvious and financially, much, much worse.”
Referencing her most recent conversation with farmers, Mitrano presented a few solutions starting with a stimulus plan that would ensure that the farmers would be taken care of first. “The next thing I would do,” she continued, “is have stronger government oversight, starting with the department of justice and the centralization of processing which is hurting the farmers most and has a history of unfair trade practices.”
She criticized Reed for his failure in overseeing these practices and in securing that they do not go unpunished in our district. Mitrano also pointed out how the relief for tariffs ignores the smaller farmers and is only extended to larger, corporate farms who are not as vulnerable. “These stimulus bills have been wrongly considered from the start,” she said. She concluded by further stating that in order to truly stimulate the economy, the relief should serve to help from the bottom up, and not, as has been done so far, from the top with very little left for anyone else. To see the full conversation with the farmers, please visit here. For full audio of Tracy’s statement during the press call go here.