
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Opinion:Consider helping at the Comfort House of Allegany County

This is an opinion piece:
For more than two decades, I had the distinct honor to be a member of the Wellsville Volunteer Ambulance Corps (WVAC). I began with no training and eventually became a paramedic. I started as a 'lifter' to eventually serve as EMS chief for years. I'm proud of that time and those I served with. The WVAC, like any organization, has changed with the times. In the 'early' days, volunteers had a scheduled shift. Great concept, so you knew a month in advance exactly what your commitment was. At one point, I was "the scheduler." There was never a more challenging task. The WVAC is just a memory for me now. Today, I offer a snippet of time to the Hart Comfort House. That's all I can offer. I understand, deeply, the challenges the Volunteer Coordinator faces. Constant pleas for I used to face. If you are looking for a volunteer activity, consider the Hart Comfort House in Wellsville. You only have to help four hours per month...and there are a variety of tasks that extend beyond resident care. I work my ass off 7 days a week to earn pay to cover my bills. The time at the Hart House, truly helping, makes that "work burden" seem insignificant. Anytime I time I think have problems...I think of the fine people who have passed through the Hart Comfort House. I'll be there Sunday. It's an amazing way to make a difference...and it extends beyond you...