
Monday, July 8, 2019

Allegany County approves law to provide funding to support Wellsville Airport

The Allegany County Legislature this afternoon adopted a local law which will provide limited funding to the Wellsville Airport. The measure passed 12-2 with one lawmaker absent. Voting against the law were John Ricci (R-Belmont) and Brooke Harris (R-Alfred). Absent was legislator Debra Root (R- Scio). The law will expire at the end of 2023 unless renewed. The local legislation does not provide a dollar amount, but the town had asked for $50,000 a year. Wellsville officials say they will release a statement later today.
Legislator Gary Barnes, who served as airport manager for 40 years, said over the weekend that the airport serves the entire county, not just Wellsville. He did note the that the biggest users on a daily basis were L.C. Whitford and Otis Eastern, both with locations in Wellsville. Barnes said growing users were from Houghton and Alfred.
Prior to the vote, there was a public hearing on the issue, but there were no speakers.