
Saturday, March 16, 2019

CCAC Observes World Water Day - March 22, 2019


Angelica, NY – March 22nd is known globally as World Water Day, established by the United Nations in 1993 to highlight the importance of freshwater by advocating for sustainable management of freshwater resources. 
To raise awareness of this observance, Concerned Citizens of Allegany County (CCAC) is involved in the following activities:  
First, to help young people focus on the importance of clean, abundant, fresh water and to think critically and creatively about the world's most important resource, CCAC sponsored an essay contest “A Day Without Water.”  More than 50 Allegany County students in grades 5 through 12 wrote essays answering the question, “What would a day without water be like?”  Winners will be announced on March 22nd and two $50 prizes awarded.
Second, CCAC is educating others about the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed new definition of “Waters of the United States” or WOTUS.  The sheer extent of waterways affected by the proposed rule change -- 18 percent of streams and 51 percent of wetlands nationwide (according to EPA data) -- is substantial.  If the new definition is adopted, it could mean that more than 100 waterway miles in Allegany County that currently feed our clean drinking water supply would lose protection under the Clean Water Act.
Third, CCAC continues to fight the proposed Northern Access pipeline, a 97-mile high-pressure pipeline that would cross 180 streams, 270 wetlands and 7 ponds in Allegany, Cattaraugus and Erie counties, carrying highly-pressurized fracked gas from PA to Canada for export. Citing significant negative impacts on several streams and wetlands, and failure to meet state water quality standards for those waterbodies, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation denied National Fuel Gas (NFG) the required water quality permits. However, NFG appealed so we continue to fight. 
CCAC hopes that these examples will inspire others to learn more and take action.

For WOTUS:  Visit for background on the WOTUS rule change and find links for further reading.  The public comment period is open until April 15th to make your voice heard.  Go to, under “What’s Trending” click on “Revised Definition of Waters of the United States” or search docket EPA-HQ-OW-2018-0149, look for “Comment Now” button. 
For Northern Access:  CCAC has joined a coalition of landowners and environmental organizations fighting this pipeline. Visit or email to learn more about this project and how you can become involved.
CCAC is a 501c3 environmental advocacy group that meets monthly in Angelica. Our next meeting is Sunday, March 24th and we welcome the public to join us.  Learn more at or follow us on Facebook.  Email  or call/text 585-466-4474.   

Buy concentrated cleaning products. 
They contain less water and require smaller packages, which means less energy to produce and transport and less plastic waste to recycle. 
Install a faucet aerator.
Each sink aerator can save up to 500 gallons a year! A low-flow showerhead uses about 2.5 gallons of water per minute (GPM) as opposed to 6 GPM from old showerheads. That means you can save 35 gallons of water during a 10-minute shower, which saves your furnace from heating more water, too.
Boycott bottled water. 
The Natural Resources Defense Council estimates it takes three liters of water to produce one liter of bottled water.
Mulch your garden. 
Not only does mulching reduce weeds, but it helps keep the soil moist, so less watering is required.
Calculate your Water Footprint.
Visit to estimate total water use. Do you know how much water goes into your sandwich? Your gadgets? The electricity that powers them? Offers conservation tips, too.