
Monday, June 17, 2024

Houghton University Endowment Surpasses $80 Million

Houghton University announced that it ended its fiscal year on May 31, 2024 with a record high for its endowment, which now totals more than $80.58 million.

“This milestone and the growing strength of our endowment is a testament to God's goodness to and provision for Houghton for over 140 years,” explains Wayne D. Lewis, Jr., President of Houghton University. “It is also a reflection of the continued belief and investment of our alumni and friends in intentionally Christian, high quality higher education. Our growing endowment enables us to continue providing an unashamedly Christ-centered, transformational experience that is affordable today and will be for generations to come.”

Houghton University’s endowment has grown rapidly in recent years, particularly during and since the public phase of IMPACT: The Campaign for Greater Houghton which successfully surpassed its $70 million campaign goal when it concluded on May 31, 2020.

Houghton’s endowment is comprised of hundreds of endowed scholarship funds, endowed programmatic funds, and unrestricted endowment. With the University’s continuing commitment to access and affordability, the tremendous growth of endowed scholarship funds has enabled Houghton to meet its ongoing mission of providing an affordable, Christ-centered education to students from diverse traditions and economic backgrounds. Additionally, programmatic endowment funds ensure that vital curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular programs continue to provide a robust student experience. Unrestricted endowment provides flexibility on an annual basis to enhance the student experience and invest in Houghton’s future.

“We are so grateful to the thousands of donors who share our long-term vision and desire to see Houghton University flourish both now and well into the future,” states Karl Sisson, Vice President for Advancement and External Engagement. “It is a joy to see the goals and objectives of our alumni and friends being realized and lived out through the ministry of Houghton for the glory of God.”

During the IMPACT comprehensive campaign effort (2011-2020), in addition to the growth of existing endowed funds, 90 endowed scholarships were created by individuals, families and reunion classes. Since 2020, an additional 76 endowed scholarship funds have since been added.

Aside from endowed scholarship funds, the largest endowment was funded with a $15 million gift in 2000 by Wilson and Eleanor Greatbatch, which created the Greatbatch School of Music. Endowed professorships such as the Hoselton Chair of Private Enterprise and Business Ethics and the Horne Blanchard Chair of Music have also been funded to underwrite the compensation, professional development, and research efforts of faculty members.

There have also been endowed funds added to underwrite key programs and initiatives such as the annual Kindschi Faith and Justice Symposium, London and Science Honors programs, and the Shannon Summer Research Institute to support the collaborative research of STEM faculty and students. Co-curricular and extra-curricular programs and activities such as Highlander Athletics also benefit from endowment support. This includes an overall Athletics Endowment Fund as well as endowed funds to enhance ten of Houghton’s intercollegiate team sports, as well as intramurals and club sports.

In addition to the continued generosity of alumni and friends, Houghton has taken a very deliberate investment approach to growing the size and future impact of its endowment.

“The continued growth of our endowment financially strengthens and positions Houghton for continuing financial stability and sustainability,” explains Dale Wright ’84, Chief Financial Officer. “We are grateful for the energy, expertise, experience of the volunteer Board of Trustees members who serve on our Investment Committee and who work closely with our leadership team and investment partners to best position the endowment for long-term growth.”

The continued growth of endowment will remain a priority for Houghton University and is a key objective in its current, five-year strategic plan.

To learn more about opportunities to contribute to the growth of endowment, please contact the Houghton University at 585-567-9340 or