
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Wellsville: Fire Dept. approves village action on traffic lights

At Monday night’s Wellsville village board meeting trustees addressed the problem of manning traffic signals during power outage, leaf pickup and more.

Siting the need for traffic signals to be operational for safety during emergencies, the board, adopted the bond resolution providing $10 million for the wastewater treatment plant improvement project, borrowing a little over $25,000. The funds will be used to provide battery backups for the numerous traffic signals throughout the village.

According to Mayor Randy Shaylor the battery backups will allow police and fire personnel to be better utilized during times of emergency. He explained, “We're trying to move funds into a battery backup project for the traffic signals to take over during times when the power goes out. Even though we have the state highway, it is our responsibility to keep those lights working.”

Asked for his opinion Fire Chief Barney Dillie said, “I applaud the village for moving ahead with this project. During times of emergency you can't put a price on safety or human life.”

The funds will be repaid to the wastewater treatment plant project.

Trustees also dealt with the problem of falling leaves. Public works Department Director Bill Whitfield announced that the village has begun leaf collection and will continue as long as the weather allows.

The guidelines are: rake the leaves to the edge of the street tree/lawn area between the sidewalk and the curb. If there is no tree/lawn area rake the leaves to the property owner's side of the sidewalk.

“We will pick them up,” he said, “In accordance with local law do not put leaves in the street, because it can cause a hazardous condition with stormwater runoff and vehicle obstruction.”

 The law also requires residents to not mix tree trimmings, brush trimming, pumpkins, etc. with leaves. Whitfield said, anyone with any questions, should, call the Department of Public Works at 596-1710 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The board dealt with two requests to hold events in the upcoming weeks. In the Mayor’s business, it was noted that the Dyke Street Engine Company had asked for a special permit to hold a chicken barbecue fundraiser on Nov. 12 at its East Hanover Street fire hall, and that the Grant Duke Hose Company had asked permission to host its 5th Annual Holiday Extravaganza on Nov. 28th at its Stevens Street facility.

Approval for the events was given, pending permission from the Allegany County Board of Health.