
Monday, October 19, 2020

Letter to the Editor: More hypocrisy, Congressman Reed?

Congressman Reed and his staff certainly do extremely well at using whatever media is available to them, including the Wellsville Regional News, to promulgate whatever event and message or spin that puts the Congressman in the best light.  The item titled "Problem Solver's Caucus addresses the need to confront budget crisis with principles" is a case in point.  The second principle formulated by the Congressman's Caucus is an admirable one.  It says that the national debt should be paid down when the economy is good.  Is the Congressman truly on board with this principle when a Republican is president?  If he is, then why did he vote for a massive tax cut that primarily benefits big corporations and the wealthiest Americans at a time well before the pandemic hit when, according to the President, the economy was already booming and on the cusp of being the best this country has EVER seen?  Why did he vote for it even when the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said before the tax cut was voted in that it would add up to two trillion dollars to the National Debt (that's trillion with a T not a B).  I have not seen or read anything that contradicts the CBO's original assessment. And so I ask, is this latest press release just more hypocrisy and carefully timed smoke from the Congressman?  If Trump wins again, I sincerely doubt if the Congressman will be loudly extolling his talents as a budget hawk.  But if a Democrat becomes president, watch Mr. Reed become one of the most vociferous budget hawks in Congress.  The media available to him will be well provided with alarms about the National Debt and calls for cuts to this or that program and statements that funding for any new proposal will not go forth on his watch unless the proposal is accompanied by cuts somewhere else in the budget other than to the military.  At the same time don't look for him to favor taxing the rich and powerful any more to any significant degree.  Yep, it will come down to the tribe Mr. Reed is a member of and NOT his membership in the Problem Solver's Caucus.  Oh by the way, whatever happened to the bill proposed by the Problem Solver's Caucus and aired on this website a couple years ago by Mr. Reed concerning the need to confront bullying in America?  Did he think the President would sign such a bill even if it ever could get past Mitch McConnell?

James Pomeroy

Caneadea, NY