
Friday, October 2, 2020

County Officials Briefed on Destructive Insect Species

Belmont, NY - Local leaders from across New York State met virtually this month to learn about a grave risk to the state's beloved hemlock trees. 

Members of the Inter-County Association of WNY and the Inter-County Legislative Committee of the Adirondacks were briefed by renowned forestry entomologist Mark Whitmore. Whitmore heads the New York State Hemlock's Initiative at Cornell University, which integrates “research, management, and outreach to conserve New York State's hemlock resources in the face of multiple threats, particularly the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA).” 

The HWA was introduced to the United States from Japan, and was first discovered in New York in the 1980s. An aphid-like insect, it attacks hemlocks by feeding on nutrients and water at the base of the tree's needles. The insect's destructiveness is no more so evident than in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which has lost thousands of hemlocks to infestation since 2002. 

To date, 43 NYS counties have had confirmed infestations. The first sighting in the Adirondacks, which boasts the largest population of hemlocks in the nation, was reported in 2017. Current mitigation strategies include early detection, predator species, insecticide treatments, and educational and outreach efforts. 

In addition to Whitmore's presentation, the annual joint meeting of the Inter-County Associations featured a presentation by Mr. Ryan Gregoire, New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) Legislative Director. Honored guests included NYSAC President and Chairman of the Ontario County Board of Supervisors John F. Marren, and NYSAC Executive Director Stephen J. Acquario.

 For more information on the hemlock woolly adelgid and efforts to control its spread, visit

The next meeting of the Association will be held virtually on October 16 at 9:30 a.m.