
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Alfred State recognizes student award winners

Alfred State College is proud of its students and is delighted to recognize those who have been awarded for their excellence in academics, leadership, civic engagement, and more.

Recently, more than 240 Alfred State students received awards, which were distributed through the mail, as the annual in-person Honors Convocation ceremony was not possible this year. Provost Dr. Kristin Poppo said the college congratulates these award recipients and is proud of their accomplishments.

“The accomplishments of our students are exceptional and the annual Honors Convocation is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate them,” Poppo said. “In this time of isolation, I hope that every student recognizes how proud we are of their accomplishments. Congratulations students, you are the best!”

Awards and honors that were distributed include scholarships, program-specific Outstanding Student Awards, induction into honor societies, and recognition of membership in the Presidential Aspiring Leaders (PAL) Program.

The following are some examples of awards, along with the name(s) of their recipient(s):

Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence: Cassandra Robbers, business administration, Almond; and Brianna Swartz, architectural technology, Fort Plain.

Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence: Luke Podyma, construction management, Eden (School of Architecture, Management and Engineering Technology); Melanie Perkins, forensic science technology, Warsaw (School of Arts and Sciences); and Cameron Sprague, heavy equipment, truck and diesel technician, Rochester (School of Applied Technology)

English and Humanities Prose Writing Annual Award: Marie Kirkwyland, human services, Dryden.

Historicorps Annual Award: James Jackson, building trades: building construction, Freeville.

Leadership through Civic Engagement Award: Jennifer Cirigliano, nursing, Patterson; Elijah Blumberg, mechanical engineering technology, Buffalo; and Jared Osborn, mechanical engineering technology, Catskill.

Marilyn Lusk Annual Award for Clinical Excellence in Nursing: Jessica Brown, nursing, Evans Mills.

National Association of Women in Construction Award: Caitlyn Morabito, building trades: building construction, Rochester.

Newman Civic Fellows Award: Elijah Blumberg.

Provost’s Award for Academic Excellence: Keegan Taylor, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, Bolivar.

Alfred State student Cassandra Robbers proudly displays the certificate and medal she received after earning the Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence.

Alfred State student Elijah Blumberg was named a recipient of the Leadership through Civic Engagement Award and the Newman Civic Fellows Award. He is pictured here with the certificate he received for the Leadership through Civic Engagement Award.