
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Thirty-seven in Allegany County are isolated/quarantined until their COVID-19 test results are known

For Immediate Release:
Allegany County COVID-19 update
As of Tuesday, March 17, 2020, Allegany County Department of Health (ACDOH) has tested 37 new individuals for COVID-19, a disease caused by a novel coronavirus.  The total of tested individuals in Allegany County is now 47.  Allegany County confirmed cases remains at two (a 5-year-old boy and 20-something man). As of today we still have no individuals that have been hospitalized.  New York State has 1,374 positive cases. Western New York has 14 positive cases.
All 37 Allegany County individuals, who were tested today, are being isolated/quarantined until their test results are known.  When testing is complete each individual and the members of their household will know if they are under further quarantine or isolation.  Quarantine is for people who are well, but have some kind of exposure.  Isolation is for people who have symptoms.
·       ACDOH will continue the investigations to identify any additional close contacts.  Once identified, the close contacts will be notified of their potential exposure to COVID-19 and placed under mandatory isolation or quarantine to monitor health status.
·       ACDOH reminds the Allegany County community that ACDOH continues to follow the COVID-19 testing criteria established by the NYSDOH.
·        We would like to reiterate that any resident experiencing a fever, with cough or shortness of breath should call their health care provider (don’t show up at their office, Urgent Care, or ER before calling). If symptoms are severe and/or you require an ambulance for transport, call 911 and notify the operator that you are experiencing symptoms relative to COVID-19.
·        We will update the public by releasing information to the local media as the situation develops.
The Allegany County Department of Health (ACDOH) reminds residents to protect yourself and your family:
·       Avoid contact with sick people, especially if you are elderly, have young children, or are immune compromised.
·       No gatherings of people larger than 10 people.
·       If you have to be around people try to stay 6-8 feet away.
·       Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is especially important after using the bathroom, coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose and before eating. 
·       If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains a minimum of 60-95% alcohol.
·       Disinfect commonly touched surfaces (following manufacturer’s instructions) daily or more often as needed (door knobs, computer keyboards, phones, light switches, faucet handles, bathroom and kitchen surfaces, etc.) with a cleaner that is approved for disinfection (read and follow label instructions).
·       Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, especially with unwashed hands.
·       Cover your cough and sneeze (away from others, into your elbow, into a tissue and not in your hands-immediately throw tissue away in trash).
·       Stay home if you are sick (fever free without medication for at least 24 hours).
The Allegany County Department of Health has a NEW telephone number for COVID-19 questions.  Allegany County residents can call 585-268-9700 or email to with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) or travel related questions. NYSDOH has developed a Coronavirus hotline (1-888-364-3065) where the public may reach out with questions or concerns about travel and symptoms. To follow the most current information on Coronavirus, please visit either the CDC or NYSDOH webpages at: