
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Whitesville School Board to reorganize, updates statement on yearbook issue

Dear Community: 
While we continue to address the yearbook matter, we want to be clear.  Any message that may promote or condone hate, regardless of intent, has no place in our school.  The District remains committed to tolerance, mutual respect and dignity for all persons. 
Be assured that we are reviewing the entire matter with all of our attention and steps are being taken so that it does not happen again.
Tammy Emery
Laurie Sanders
Deputy Superintendent

Whitesville Central School
Board of Education
Code of Conduct Public Hearing
Reorganizational/Regular Meeting
July 9, 2019, 6:45 PM
1. Call to Order – District Clerk, Tracey Waters
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Code of Conduct Public Hearing
4. Adoption of Code of Conduct
5. Administer Oaths to Elected Board Members & Superintendent
6. Election of Officers for 2019/2020
A. President of Board

1. Nominations
2. Vote
B. Vice President
1. Nominations
2. Vote
C. Administer Oaths of Faithful Performance
7. Appointment of Officers
A. District Clerk
B. District Treasurer
C. School Tax Collector
D. Oaths of Faithful Performance of Office will be administered within 30 days of appointment.
8. Other Appointments
A. School Physician
B. Census Enumerator
C. Claims Auditor
D. Substitute Calling
E. Treasurer, Extracurricular Account
F. School Auditor
G. Committee on Special Education, Preschool Committee on Special Education & 504 Committee
H. Special Education Impartial Hearing Officers
I. Safety Committee
J. At Risk Mentorship Coordinator
K. Designated Education Official
L. Records Access Officer
M. Records Management Officer
N. Title IX Officer
O. Attendance Officer
P. Clerk Pro Tem
Q. Chief Information Officer
R. DASA Coordinator
S. Civil Rights Compliance Officer
T. School Attorney
9. Designations
A. Official Bank Depositories
B. Regular Monthly Meetings
C. Official Newspaper
D. L.E.A. Asbestos Designee
E. Chemical Hygiene Officer
10. Authorizations
A. Person to Certify Payrolls
B. School Purchasing Agent
C. Person to Authorize Attendance at Conferences, Conventions & Workshops, and Approve Graduate Hours
D. Authorization to establish Petty Cash Funds
E. Voting Representative to Self-Funded Insurance & Workers’ Compensation Board
F. Allegany Cattaraugus Schools Medical Health Plan Delegate
G. Chief School Officer Authorized to Approve Budget Transfer Item
H. Authorization to Suspend Students
I. Authorization to Approve Bonds for Treasurer, Tax Collector
J. Authorization of payment of tax bills relating to the correction of errors on tax rolls butnot to exceed $2,500.00, specified in sections 554 and 556 of the Real Property Tax Law.

K. Authorization to employ Temporary, Part-time, Per-Diem or Substitute Personnel and to temporarily fill vacant positions pending consideration and appointment by the Board Of Education at the next Board of Education meeting.

L. Authorization to receive, retain and/or produce for examination or audit a cancelled check or proper alternative documentation in the form of check images or checks drawn supplied by the bank or trust company in lieu of cancelled checks drawn on Whitesville Central School accounts.
11. Other Items
A. Re-adoption of all Policies and Code of Ethics in effect during previous year
B. Establish Mileage Reimbursement Rate
C. Authorize Board President to sign all necessary documents which need his signature and further authorize Vice President to sign in his/her absence
D. Representative to Allegany/Cattaraugus School Boards Association
E. Legislative Liaison for NYS School Boards Association
F. Designation of Authorized Signature on Checks
G. Substitute Rates
H. Election Inspector Rate
I. Bonding of Employees and School Board Members

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Continue to Regular July Agenda ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1. Visitors
A. Teacher Reps: Maggie Cregan
2. Public Comments
3. Minutes
A. June 18, 2019 Regular Meeting
4. Financial Reports
A. Extracurricular Reports
5. Old Business
A. None at this time.
6. New Business
A. Principal’s Report
B. Superintendent’s Report
C. National School Meal Program
D. School Lunch & Breakfast Price
E. SDAA Occupational Therapy Solutions, PLLC
F. Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapy – Jones Memorial Hospital
G. NYSSBA Annual Convention
H. CPSE/CSE Recommendations
I. Board Retreat Date
7. Information
A. Annual School Health Report
B. CSE & CPSE Annual Report
C. School Library Report
D. 2019-20 Music Dates
E. Next Board Meeting Date
8. Executive Session
A. Matters related to the employment of particular persons
B. 2019-20 Extracurricular Appointment
C. Elementary Education Teacher Appointments
D. Chemistry Teacher Reappointment
E. Principal Contract Amendment
F. Elementary Education Teacher Appointment Amendment
G. Junior Accountant Wage Increase
9. Adjournment