
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Wellsville Lions Club Monthly contributions to the community

The Wellsville Lions Club is dedicated to serve the greater Wellsville Community in keeping with Our Motto: “We Serve.”  One of the ways we do this is through donations in response to requests.  If anybody is in need of our services or financial help, please contact any Lions Club member or visit us on Facebook.
The following is a list of funds made available to the community by the Wellsville Lions Club in the month of June.
-6/12/19: $45 payment to Wellsville HS Yearbook to purchase a yearbook for a senior from the Youth Activities committee.
-6/24/19: $1,237.51 payment to ID Booth for hot water tanks for Camp Badger from the Lions Camp Badger committee.
-6/24/19: $700 donation to Lions Camp Badger for camp repairs from the Lions Camp Badger committee.
-6/24/19: $400 donation to WCS Skeet Club for supplies and for working at the Trout Derby.
-6/28/19: $500 donation to Camp Badger to purchase ten $50 raffle tickets from the Lions Camp Badger committee.
-6/28/19: $500 donation to Music on the Lawn from the Civic Improvement committee.
-6/28/19: $250 donation to the Allegany County Association for the Blind to sponsor participation in their senior picnic from the President’s Reserve fund.
-6/28/19: $200 donation to the Andover Wetland’s Kids Fishing Derby from the Youth Activities committee.
-6/28/19: $138.88 payment to Wellsville Central School for custodial services from the Lions Show committee.
-6/28/19: $300 payment to Syncvhrony Bank to reimburse charges for vet care for a seeing eye dog from the Sight Conservation committee.
Senior Scholarship Night Awards
Wellsville Lions Club Scholarships ($2,000 each) were presented to the following seniors:
-Samantha Farmer (attending Russell Sage College)
-Joe Tronetti (attending St. John Fisher)
-Braden Scott (attending SUNY Fredonia).
Lions Club Medals for Excellence were presented to the following:
-Kaylee Kemp (Art)
-Martin Stonemetz (Business)
-Breena Elias (English)
-Ryan Ludu (French)
-Madison Bailey (Math)
-Martin Stonemetz (Science)
-Alyssa Kear (Social Studies)
-Alyssa Kear (Spanish)

Ed Tezak
PR Wellsville Lions Club