
Friday, June 21, 2019

Opinion: Robert Heineman offers strong endorsement of Crandall for State Senate

In the June 25th Republican primary to elect a candidate to succeed Cathy Young, Curt Crandall is running on his record.  His opponent, hand-picked by Senate minority leader John Flanagan, is running on the financing provided by the folks in Albany and is offering himself as a candidate “of the people.”
When Curt Crandall says that he favors cutting taxes, he can point to nine consecutive years of reduced property tax rates as leader of the Allegany County Legislature.
When Curt Crandall says that he supports the elderly, he can point to his service as Aging Advisory Board Member and as a member of the Allegany County Senior Foundation.
When Curt Crandall says that he supports our veterans, he can point to his institution of honoring one of our veterans at the start of each session of the Allegany County Legislature.
When Curt Crandall says that he opposes the SAFE Act, he can point to his organization of the Allegany County Minutemen to work for its repeal and his membership in the NRA and SCOPE.
When Curt Crandall says that he understands the needs of local farmers, he can point to his long-time membership in the Farm Bureau.
When Curt Crandall says that he supports the Boy Scouts, he can point to his Eagle Scout award and his Executive Membership on the Allegheny Highlands Council.
When Curt Crandall says that he understands the challenges facing small businesses, he can point to his decades of successful business in Cattaraugus, Allegany, and Chautauqua Counties.
When Curt Crandall says that he understands the problems facing local government, he can point to his 14 years as Chair of the Allegany County Legislature (the longest in its history) and to his years of experience in town government.
For Curt Crandall and his wife Cathy the people of the 57th Senate District are their friends and neighbors.  They are life-time residents of Allegany County and have established businesses in Cattaraugus, Allegany, and Chautauqua Counties.  They live and work in the center of the District.
Mr. Crandall’s opponent, offered by the remaining GOP leadership in Albany, resides in the far northwest corner of the District, closer to some Canadian cities than to Dansville. He appears to be trying to offset his meagre experience in government and in the District with bushels of promises.  Such a candidate can offer “motherhood and apple pie” positions” as well, but where is his record?  What has he done?
I urge voters to support Curt Crandall on June 25th---the candidate who has a clear record and who lives and works among us.
Robert Heineman
Alfred, NY