Congressional Candidate Tracy Mitrano Presides over a Ribbon Cutting at
the Democrat’s Election Headquarters on Saturday, October 13
Allegany County Democratic Committee will hold a grand opening of its 2018
election headquarters in Wellsville, NY at 99 N. Main St. (in the annex of the
Brand Names Appliance storefront) on Saturday, October 13th.
Tracy Mitrano, the Democratic candidate for Congress in New
York’s 23rd district, will be on hand to meet with voters from 10:00 a.m. to
11:30 a.m. and will ceremonially cut the
ribbon to open the headquarters.
Mitrano will then travel to Angelica to host an Allegany
County Town Hall meeting at the Angelica Grange Hall (on Park Circle) from 1:00
p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to which the public is cordially invited.
The Allegany County Democrats Election Headquarters will be
open 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday through the Nov. 6th
midterm election. The headquarters is
fully staffed with volunteers who welcome visitors to talk about the election
and help with “Get Out the Vote” efforts on behalf of Democratic candidates for
state, local and federal offices. Current projects include post card mailings,
canvassing, and phone banking. For more information about the Allegany County Democrats,
please contact Chair Mike McCormick at (607) 661-8089 or visit For more information on Tracy Mitrano, visit
her campaign website at