
Friday, October 26, 2018

Minutes: Allegany County Budget Committee - October 17, 2019

October 17, 2018
Committee Members Present: P. Curran, P. Stockin, J. Burdick, B. Harris, J. Ricci, C. Crandall (Absent: D. Fanton)
Others Present: L. Ballengee, G. Barnes, T. Boyde, C. Braack, B. Budinger, D. Decker, W. Dibble, K. Dirlam, M. Gasdik, K. Geffers, K. Graves, L. Gridley, S. Havey, M. Healy, J. Henry, J. Hopkins, D. Horan, L. Hunsberger, G. James, C. Knapp, D. Rahr, B. Riehle, D. Root, T. Ross, S. Torrey, M. Washer, R. Whitney

Media Present: C. Potter – Wellsville Daily Reporter
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:02 p.m. by Budget Committee Chairman Phil Curran.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Legislator Stockin, seconded by Legislator Ricci, and carried to approve the Budget Committee minutes of September 19, 2018.
Sales Tax Report
County Treasurer Terri Ross distributed the 2018 Allegany County Sales Tax Report reflecting receipts totaling $16,639,279.32. The year-to-date figures show an increase of $1,251,809.97 or 8.135 percent more compared to last year at this time. Ms. Ross distributed a report showing sales tax data specific to Allegany County for the period of March 2013 to February 2018. As of February 2018, Allegany County’s top 5 contributors to sales tax are as follows:
Rank Category Taxable Sales
1 Automobile Dealers $72,799,812
2 Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution $36,017,257
3 Gasoline Stations $33,528,055
4 Restaurants and Other Eating Places $28,353,014
5 Grocery Stores $27,574,752
Ms. Ross stated those top 5 remained relatively the same throughout the years, adding that internet sales have steadily increased over the years, and currently the County has received $11,057,656 in sales tax on electronic shopping and mail-order houses. Ms. Ross indicated that number is about half of what the County should be receiving due to online marketplaces that don’t currently pay sales tax.
“Big 5” Third Quarter Budget Reports
Office for the Aging
Office for the Aging Director Madeleine Gasdik and Accountant Kimberly Geffers attended the meeting and submitted their third quarter budget report to the committee for review. Ms. Gasdik stated with the exception of suggested contributions and cost share being lower than expected, their budget is right on track. Ms. Gasdik introduced her new accountant Kimberly Geffers stating her biggest concern was losing her accountant of 30 years; however, there hasn’t been any noticeable changes as Ms. Geffers does an excellent job and knows the grants well. Ms. Gasdik indicated that they are having a little trouble with volunteer mileage, and they have made some changes, but having clients on dialysis needing to travel to Olean five days a week gets costly. Committee Chairman Curran asked if there are ways to work with another group to save on costs. Ms. Gasdik stated that Faith in Action will help them out, and they always refer the clients to use bus, family, and/or friends first for travel arrangements. Legislator Harris asked if Faith in Action requires reimbursement for mileage, and Ms. Gasdik stated, no.
Health Department
Public Health Director Lori Ballengee and Accountant Dave Rahr attended the meeting and submitted their third quarter budget report to the committee for review. Ms. Ballengee acknowledged and thanked Mr. Rahr for all of his hard work on their budget. Ms. Ballengee stated that since first quarter they have received $1,268,000 in revenue for A2960-Special Education/PHC. A4035 – Family Planning is only at 64.9 percent revenue received; however, because they are only using contracted providers at this time, every new provider needs to go through a lengthy certification process, and they are at a delay receiving the reimbursement. A4190 – WIC revenue is reflecting 49.8 percent received, and Ms. Ballengee indicated that program is also at a delay due to new changes happening in the program. Ms. Ballengee stated that A1185 – Medical Examiner and Coroners is the only line item over budget; however, it is only 3.3 percent over.
Department of Public Works
Public Works Deputy Superintendent II Justin Henry attended the meeting and submitted his third quarter budget report to the committee for review. Mr. Henry acknowledged and thanked Fiscal Manager Yvonne Marks for all of her hard work on their budgets. Mr. Henry stated they budgeted $5.7 million in revenue and have received 89 percent so far, adding they budgeted $15 million in appropriations and have expended 70 percent. Legislator Stockin asked if the overtime being accrued is due to a position not being filled, and Mr. Henry stated, yes.
Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff Whitney attended the meeting and submitted his third quarter budget report to the committee for review. Sheriff Whitney indicated they should be close to projections. Legislator Ricci addressed the overtime being more than projected by $233,690 and asked for a reason why it’s so much. Sheriff Whitney stated that their Accountant Randy Hartwick handles their projections and is unsure of how he calculates it, but they anticipate needing an extra $233,690. Sheriff Whitney indicated that Mr. Hartwick has made some adjustments, and they should not need to ask for more than that amount. Legislator Stockin stated in looking at past years’ budgets, it appears overtime is always over by that approximate amount, and in seeing that pattern, asked why they aren’t budgeting better for that line item. Sheriff Whitney stated they ask for what they think they will need. Legislator Stockin stated they need to figure out a way to reduce the overtime cost, and not just fill in what they need. Sheriff Whitney indicated that a lot of the overtime in 2018 is covering Dispatcher Russ Hall’s position as he was pulled away to handle the 911 enumeration project. Committee Chairman Curran asked if Mr. Hall is being paid overtime for the 911 enumeration project. Sheriff Whitney stated, no, Mr. Hall is working full-time on the project; however, the coverage of his position in Dispatch is being paid overtime. Committee Chairman Curran stated the enumeration project is going to take a while, and asked why they aren’t backfilling his position and not continuing to pay overtime to cover it. Sheriff Whitney stated it is because they would need to create positions to accomplish that. County Administrator Timothy Boyde indicated that they need to have further discussions regarding the issue.
Department of Social Services
Director of Administrative Services Don Horan attended the meeting and submitted his third quarter budget report to the committee for review. Mr. Horan stated their budget looks in line with projections, and they are in good shape. Mr. Horan indicated that he did add a line item in the amount of $100,000 for the Raise the Age eleven county consortium, adding they have started to see some expenditures for it.
There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:34 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Ricci, seconded by Legislator Stockin, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary to the Clerk of the Board
Allegany County Board of Legislators