
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Alma Town Board meeting notice UPDATED

A quorum (Steve Dickerson, Jerry Currier and Bev Root) of the Alma Town Board has called a regular Town Board meeting set for June 9, 2020 at 6p.m. at the Alma Town Hall. Due to Gov. Cuomo's Executive Order 202.1 (gatherings no more than 10 people) the meeting will be closed to the public. The group says the Town Clerk must set up a live stream via Facebook, Zoom etc., so the meeting is accessible to the public (Town Law 3-15 Open Meetings Law).

In an email received this morning from Town Supervisor Ron Staedt, he said
"there will not be a board meeting! The town supervisor has the only authority to call a board meeting!"

He then issued this statement:
Alma regular board meeting was canceled on June 2, 2020. Due to the executive Law 24 State of Emergency in the Town of Alma. This would constitute a Special Board meeting. Alma next opportunity for a regular board meeting is July 7,2020. Dickerson never request of me a special board meeting. This is nothing short of Coup. To try to forcibly settlement for Trask a fired, employee. His attorney wants $210,000.  And Ford attorney’s wants $40,000, settlement from town. These 3 board members have been told for months by the Town’s attorneys this would gifting Taxpayer money! Which also interferes in ongoing Criminal Investigation.
Meeting on the 9 of June will not happen!
Town Law 62 is what controls how special meetings are called.  If two members of the board make a written request, the supervisor is to call the meeting within 10 days by giving at least two days written notice of the time and place to the board members.  It is doubtful that an unsigned email from a member referencing other members names constitutes a written request by two members. No one except the supervisor is empowered to call a meeting, so any meeting called by anyone else is a nullity.
Ronald Staedt
Supervisor Town of Alma