
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

News release: Wyoming County Health Dept.


October 07, 2020

Wyoming County Health Department Public Health Administrator, Laura Paolucci, offered the following statement yesterday afternoon:

COVID-19 cases are increasing in Wyoming County and community transmission is occurring. With weather changing, gatherings are moving indoors where it may be more difficult to maintain social distance. Fall is the beginning of traditional cold and flu season and the Wyoming County Health Department is reminding everyone to maintain social distance, wear a face covering, practice good hand hygiene and stay away from sick people. Not everyone with a COVID-19 infection has serious symptoms – but they are still contagious and pose a risk of infection to others who may be more vulnerable to serious illness.

If you are sick, do not be around other people – at work, school, in the community or socially. Contact your healthcare provider if you are experiencing new or worsening symptoms consistent with COVID-19 infection. Every positive reported case of COVID-19 is placed under isolation and has a case investigation conducted by nursing staff at the Wyoming County Health Department. During the case investigation, the patient will be required to identify all close contacts they had during the period beginning 48 hours before they developed symptoms. For positive cases without symptoms, they must identify close contacts they had beginning 48 hours before their COVID-19 test. Close contacts will also be contacted by Health Department representatives to determine the extent of COVID-19 exposure and may be placed under quarantine for up to 14 days to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Wyoming County.

If you have recently returned from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19, you are required to register with NYS as a traveler and will be subject to a 14-day precautionary quarantine period. These measures are important to reduce the spread of illness in our communities.

Wyoming County Board of Supervisors Chairwoman, Rebecca J. Ryan, reports, as of earlier today, Wednesday, October 7th, the Wyoming County Health Department reports one hundred forty-seven (147) lab confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 among Wyoming County residents. This is an increase of one (1) from the last reported increase on Tuesday, October 06, 2020.

If you would like information on how to get tested in Wyoming County please click on the following link:

How can I get a COVID test in Wyoming County?