
Sunday, October 11, 2020

In spite of COVID-19 issues, the Wellsville Lions Club continues to provide support to the local community

The Wellsville Lions Club is dedicated to serve the greater Wellsville Community in keeping with Our Motto: “We Serve.”  One of the ways we do this is through donations in response to requests.  If anyone is in need of our services or financial help, please contact any Lions Club member or visit us on Facebook. 

In spite of COVID-19 issues, the Wellsville Lions Club continues to provide support to the local community.  The latest effort was a response to a request for assistance in providing hearing aids to Ralph Vaughn Jr.  Ralph is a commercial truck driver and was in need of replacing his old failing hearing aids.  As a result of his request, the Speech and Hearing Committee of the Lions Club provided the $600 for a new rechargeable set.  Show is Lions President Dave Foster presenting the hearing aids to Ralph along with Mike Donohue and Tom Farmer of the Speech and Hearing Committee.

Shown below: In addition to providing financial support where needed the Lions also perform community service.  Shown are several Lions who were involved recently in their Highway Cleanup project.  From left to right are Mike Donohue, Dave Saunders, Tom Farmer, Don Careless, Pete Buchholz and Roger Moyer.