
Monday, October 26, 2020

Alfred Station: Letter to the Editor (and responses)

Brace Yourself

The winner of the presidential election will not be determined on November 3rd. Because of the large quantity of mail in ballots being cast this year, it’s going to take days, maybe even weeks to know the outcome of this election. There will probably be one or two states whose voting machines crash and have to use backup paper ballots. Some states might have an automatic recount triggered if the numbers are within the margin of error. Some states may have their mail in ballots challenged in court because of partisan and unfounded fears over mail in voter fraud. Whatever ends up happening, it won’t be the quick result we’ve gotten used to over the past few decades.

We need to take this time to mentally prepare for what comes next. Prepare yourself for scenarios that will slow things down. Prepare yourself for the incumbent to attack any results that favor Biden. Prepare yourself for the chaos and doubt the incumbent and his allies will stir up. Prepare for continued threats by the incumbent of jailing political opponents, sending in soldiers to states he views as enemies, and using coded language to encourage far right violence. Prepare for the incumbent’s party to take voting related cases to court in an attempt to keep the incumbent in power. Prepare for the incumbent and his allies to falsely claim victory. Prepare for a massive disinformation campaign to bombard you. Prepare for the incumbent to refuse to leave office, to become bellicose and belligerent and refuse to allow a peaceful transfer of power. Prepare for it to get ugly because it will. We’ve seen how the incumbent reacts to losing and he will do anything to stay in office.

Think of the worst possible thing that could happen in this election and plan for it. What will you do? How will you fight back? How will you hold your elected officials accountable and force them to act? How will you collaborate with like-minded individuals? Think. Plan. Inoculate yourself against the paralysis we felt in 2016. We can’t afford it this time around. Be ready to fight back. Without all his dirty tricks and the weakness of our institutions the incumbent would’ve never won in the first place. He knows he can’t win a free and fair election. He knows he has to cheat to stay in power. Be ready. Be prepared. And fight back.

Amie Acton

Alfred Station

--- Responses ---

I am writing this email in response to ms.actons OpEd smear piece on our president that clearly shows this poor lady is suffering from trump derangement syndrome .

Ms.actons email clearly is not based on any factual evidence but just her misguided opinions., example president trump did win a free election something my friends on the left have still not gotten over 4 years later ,the left tailed against trump if he would concede if he lost in 2016 well he didn't need to ,so they should take their own advice fact!

Secondly and I speak on this from a position of experience as it's my job the mass mail in ballots are not a safe way to vote ,I see this everyday unlocked  cluster boxes hundreds of pieces of mail left in trash cans or on foyer floors in apartment buildings ,mail being delivered to  people who no longer live at the residence or have died years ago ,we've already seen many examples of this in New York 100,000 ballots in the wrong envelopes ,not the usps fault it was new York states fault ,in pennsylvania hundreds of pieces of mail ballots included found discarded .

The letter carriers are hard working people and we all strive to do our best for safe accurate delivery ,but unfortunately mistakes do occur and all people are not honest people .

Let me tell people not to mistake mail in voting with absentee voting something the left likes to forget mass mail in voting are ballots not requested by a live actual person at a residence fact!!

In closing I would like to tell my left leaning friends to take a look at themselves and ask ,are you ready to accept the election results ? And not scream and cry like spoiled children who didn't get their way like many on the left have done and still do because america spoke and rebuked crooked hilary.

Thank you,

Adam wiech


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Perhaps Ms Acton should be prepared to follow her own suggestions. The loser of the 2016 election still hasn't accepted the results as the 2020 election is upon us. Ms Acton appears to have refused to accept those results as well. Prepare yourselves for any attacks from the Biden camp and challenges to any results that aren't what was expected like Hillary and Jill Stein did in 2016. Ms Acton has nothing but hyper partisan attacks on her part while alleging the same from Trump supporters. Be Prepared with tissues and safe spaces for the screaming zombies when Trump is re-elected.

D. Lewis


Its pretty sad to see people like Ms. Acton suffering from TDS. If people are gonna write in at least post facts. Not things they assume. Especiallly when it is the radical left burning cities down, unfunding your police protection, making it impossible to get covid 19 funding passed because of their socialist wish list that our kids and grand kids will pay for....... All the things Ms. Acton wrote about the radical leftist they are doing as we speak... and regardless of the election result will continue to go on..... We're on the cusp of socialism and these people are welcoming it with open arms as our contitution is in jeopardy of being altered by these individuals that are muting your freedom of speech and post. Think about where we would be right now if Crooked Hillary had won 4 years ago and the coruption that wouldnt have been unearthed. Be proud American people! Honor or Veterans and Service members and one National Anthem we have. Pray for these people trying to crumble our great nation!

Thank you

Michael Numeracki

Belmont NY


Prepared. Barb Hetzel, Wellsville


I would like to respond to Mr. Wiech’s, Mr. Lewis’s and Mr. Numeraki’s responses to Ms Acton’s letter. It would seem the these three men get their information about what is going on currently in our great country, from another universe. The current administration is fomenting chaos, defending neo-nazi and white supremacist groups, already calling the election rigged and refusing to accept the will of the people if the election doesn’t result in a republican win. Thank goodness that the true patriots in these United States are preparing for all of the things that Amie Acton wrote about.

Barry Glickstein


“True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it”.

Karl Popper
