“When Clarity began providing services remotely in March, we
were confident in our technology and planning that we could continue to meet
the mental and behavioral health needs of the community,” said Michael Damiano,
executive director of Clarity.
“What we didn’t know was how receptive the people we support
would be to seeing their counselor on a computer or speaking with them over a
telephone,” Damiano said. Many of Clarity’s current clients were already
experienced with participating in telepsychiatry sessions with Clarity’s
psychiatrist and nurse practitioners. Most people rapidly adjusted to also
seeing their counselors that way also.
“May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I want to
recognize not only the Clarity staff who have continued to provide the highest
quality services during this pandemic, but also our clients who have remain
engaged with us. Change can be difficult in ordinary times, but our clients are
key to the success Clarity has achieved in the virtual treatment environment.”
The organization has begun planning for the ultimate return
to office-based services. This is likely to initially be a combination of
office-centered and remote services, but the timing will depend on protocols
established by New York State and the regional groups authorized by the state.
“We would like to thank the community, and state and county
officials for their support of mental and behavioral health services during
this national emergency,” Damiano said. “Their recognition of the need to find
a way to continue offering services was instrumental in Clarity’s ability to
transition its model of care.”
Anyone needing mental and behavioral health services can
access them by calling Clarity at 585-593-6300. The Allegany County Crisis Hotline
also is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 888-448-3367.