
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wellsville Legion presents annual awards

Cathy Neugent, center, was honored by the Morrison Hayes Post 702 Auxiliary for her dedication to the organization.

Skip Merrick (center) along with his wife Jackie (left) was honored for being founding members of the local Legion Riders and Merrick was named Morrison Hayes Post 702 Legionnaire of the Year. (Dennis White at right) 
“The American Legion was founded March 15-17th in 1919 in Paris, France at the close of World War I. As of the New Legion Act  membership is now open to all honorable veterans discharged from Dec. 7, 1941 until a time when the United States is no longer at war, as determined by Congress,” Morrison Hayes Post 702 Brent Roberts told those gathered at the Post Saturday night to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the American Legion. 

Later in the year Post 702 will celebrate the founding of the local Post on November 1920.
As part of the celebration awards and plaques of appreciation were distributed by the commanders of the Post, Sons of the American Legion and Legion Riders. The Legion Auxiliary also recognized members for their contributions.
Commander Roberts presented the Legion Member of the year award to Skip Merrick for his 29-years of service, serving in the Honor Guard, being second vice commander of the post and vice commander of the county, chairing the Oratorical contest, and for generally serving the post.
Roberts presented the Commander’s award to Tom Farmer, thanking him for his help and doing whatever was asked of him by the Commander.
Vice Commander Dennis White honored the American Legion Riders who signed the original charter 10 years ago the deceased were Betty Fay, David Johnson, Lenny Lewis and Gary Payne and  presented 10-year plaques to survivors Steve Conderman, Jon Elliot, Ed Fay, John Frungillo, Janet Marble, Skip and Jackie Merrick, Doug Schneble, Nate and Vickie Scott, Eric and Lynda Stark, Tom Stoll, Scott Swift, Frank White and Paul Wright.
American Legion Commander Fred Roberts presented the Sons of the American Legion of the Year award to brothers, Tyler and Joey Dickerson.

Post 702 Legion Auxiliary President Sandy Smith and Yvonne Simons presented the Auxiliary Member of the Year award to Cathy Neugent for her work cooking and baking for events and fund raisers throughout the year.
The Auxiliary President’s Award was presented to Jan Riley for her 48-year membership in the Auxiliary.