
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Annual awards at Bath Fire Department

On Saturday evening March 14, 2020 the Bath Volunteer Fire Department held it annual awards dinner with a Hawaiian theme at the Bath station. Most members were present along with some Bath Village officials, local business owners and representatives from neighboring departments.
Firefighter of the year for 2019: Greg Glashauser
Greg has been a member nearly 50 years and has responded to over 2,000 calls. He started as a "Lantern Boy" which was our first group of Junior Firefighters. Along the way he has served in many positions that include Secretary, Vice President and President, along with being chairman for the Junior Advisors, By-Laws and Quarter Master committees.

He is detail oriented and takes pride in Safety Awareness and strives to keep the station a safe for members, their families and others who may visit. He makes sure all the firefighting gear is cleaned, inventoried and tracked for every firefighter making sure each has all the gear they need to keep them safe. He also has taken on the task of putting together a SDS (Safety Data Sheet) binder of all chemicals in the station which is required by state and federal regulations. He also is willing to help in the upkeep and maintenance around the station.
Over the past year he took the lead of the PESH committee to ensure the department is in compliance with New York State standards. He is also working with the Fireflies (the departments auxiliary), to help them update their by-laws and has served on the truck committee for the new ladder truck helping with specifications, gathering photos and brainstorming in discussions.
Firefly of the year for 2019: Shari Baroody
Shari is always helping wherever and whenever it’s needed. She is one who is not afraid to speak her mind if she doesn’t agree with something and explain why. Anyone can call her day or night if they have a problem. Even if she is going through something of her own, she will take the time to help or talk to us in their time of need. During the past year Shari was going through the worst time of her life and she still attended the annual gun raffle to do whatever she could. Through the many events she attended through the past year she would be asked to sit down and take a break and they would take over and Shari would just give them "a look" and they knew to let her do her thing. We are sure she knows how much we all supported her and her family during this difficult year and the Fireflies were proud to present this award to their friend Shari Baroody.

Junior Firefighter of the Year 2019: Erica Mills
Erica has gone above and beyond, taking on many positions, and dedicating her time at all events held at our station. "I have seen this junior come a long way over the years", said Dan Fiordo "I was proud that as an advisor I was able to mentor them". She went out of her comfort zone and traveled to a camp for a week to build her firefighting skills. Not only did she obtain knowledge at the camp, but Erica came back and brought training ideas for their fellow juniors to do to also build their skills. Fiordo stated "I was glad that even though she was nervous and scared, that she stuck it out and finished. It is my pleasure to award this year’s Junior Firefighter of the Year to Erika Mills".
Life Saving Award and Medals: Captain Kyle Lisefski and Firefighter Jeffery Robinson

On January 12, 2020 our department was dispatched to a structure fire at the Shannon Building located at 56 Liberty Street in the village. Upon arrival chief’s on scene reported smoke showing from the third story of the building and flames coming out the windows. A second alarm was requested while the 3rd Assistant Chief Sean Walruth along with Bath Village Police Officers began to alert tenants of the building to evacuate. Firefighter’s Lisefski and Robinson were on the first engine and quickly pulled a hose line off the engine and made their way to the third-floor apartment where the fire was located. One manned the nozzle with the other close behind him. They made a hit on the fire when the second firefighter heard something. They shut the hose line down immediately to listen again. What was heard was the sound of someone breathing or gasping from inside a bedroom. Both of these young firefighters dropped the line and rapidly removed a young man from the smoke-filled apartment to the top of the stairwell and handed him off to other firefighters, then went back to the apartment to continue to fight the blaze inside. The tenant was a 23-year-old male who was life flighted to the burn center at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester in a life threating condition. If it was not for heroic efforts of Captain Kyle Lisefski and firefighter Jeffery Robinson, this young man most certainly would have perished in the blaze.
Bath Fire Chief Matt Glashauser with assistance from the firefighter’s father’s William Lisefski and Dana Robinson who are firefighter’s themselves, awarded them both with plaque’s and medals for Heroism in saving the life of the 23-year-old male tenant.
Firefly Lifetime Achievement Award 2019: Shari Baroody and Deidra Conrad This year there were two recipients for the Lifetime Achievement Award. Both of these ladies have been members of the Fireflies for over 20 years. They have dedicated time to the fire department Bingo’s, breakfast, chicken barbecues, kids parties and numerous other events. Both of these ladies have mentored some of the newer members and have shown them the ropes of the operation. It was with great pleasure the President Jennifer Mills present both Shari Baroody and Deidra Conrad with the award.
Most Improved Junior Firefight Award: Coby Causer This junior has shown up and performed at times when we were shorthanded. He sometimes shows up by himself and works extremely hard to provide the help we need on the fire ground. He has shown great improvement in understanding of what is important in the fire service. It was with pleasure Coby Causer was awarded with the Most Improved Junior Firefighter.  

Most Calls for Senior Firefighters:

1st – Brady Hill - 206
2nd – Harry Keen – 174
3rd – Jason Wiser - 149

Most Calls for Junior Firefighters:
1st – Dakota Underhill - 34
2nd – Lindzy Abbate – 21
3rd – Erika Mills – 20

Most calls for Chief Officers:
1st – Joe Washburn - 294
2nd – Mike Fiordo - 188
3rd – Matt Glashauser - 165

Most Calls for Fire Police:
1st – Ron Delio – 76
2nd – Mark Phillipson – 62
3rd – Brent Hockaday – 58

Years of Service Award:
Dale Morse – 55 Years
Doug Bigelow – 50 Years
David Farr Sr. – 30 Years
Chris Farr – 20 Years
Bill Lisefski – 10 Years
Josh Ames – 10 Years
Michael McNally – 5 Years
Heather Quick – 5 Years
Tyler Smalt – 5 Years
Harry J. Keen – 5 Years
Debby Hunt – 1 Year
Erika Mills – 1 Year
Maria Myers – 1 Year
Nate Burrows – 1 Year
Austin Wheatcraft – 1 Year
Dakota Underhill – 1 Year
Total Call Milestones:
Robin Havens & Joe Washburn – 5,000
Steve Dungan – 4,000 
Mike Fiordo – 3,000 
Brent Hockaday & David Farr Jr. – 2,000  
Jeff Robinson & Dan Fiordo – 1,000 
Respectfully submitted,  
John Conrad Sr., Public Information Officer  
The Bath Volunteer Fire Dept.