
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wellsville Town Board agenda for October 9th

 7 p.m. - Wellsville Airport


1.       Pledge to the Flag

2.       Minutes: 09/11/2024 Regular Meeting

3.   Community Comment:

4.   Financial Reports

5.   Departmental Reports       (*indicates report received)      

A. Town Clerk *                      F. Code Enforcement

B. Dog Control                         G Highway *

C. Justice                                  H. Park: *        

D. Fire Department *                I. Airport *

E. Assessor                              J. Planning Board



6. MUNICIPAL BUILDING:  Letter update from Dan Helveston

                        - Drop ceiling /floors

                        - Furniture

                        - Motion to transfer $6,750.00 from A1220.103 to A1220.434 (Consultant to Supervisor)



            A Delinquent water and sewer Resolution # 15


            A. Sinclair Water District -       

            B. Community Development -

            C. Solar/Wind Committee

09. Supervisor/Councilmen Reports:

A.      P. Graves –  

B.  M. Miller -     

C.  T. Gunning -

D.  G. Day-

E.  S. Alsworth –

A.  Approval for Supervisor to sign Highway Bills for Brown Road Tru and Leveling

      B. Budget Session/Special Meeting – BAN approval/Resolution


10. Executive Session:


11.  Audit/Payment of Bills – Abstract # 10

Next Board Meeting: November 13, 2024 – Regular Meeting

ü  Planning Board Meeting: –November 12, 2024 Town - 6:30 PM LIBRARY

ü  Airport Meeting: November 11, 2024