
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Town of Alma circus continues uninterrupted

If you are a taxpayer in the Town of Alma, you have every reason to be confused. Tuesday morning, Alma Town Supervisor Ronald Staedt sent out a press release stating that the (COVID-19) state of emergency was extended another thirty days. The statement read in part, "during said time there will be no meetings of the Town Board or of any board or committee appointed by the Town, however local orders may be enacted." Five minutes later, a majority of the town board issued a separate press release. "We the majority of the Alma Town Board are holding an Emergency meeting on Wednesday October 14,2020 at the Alma Town Hall at 6:00pm. This meeting is being held for the purpose of the 2020-2021 Snow Removal and Ice Control Contract that has a deadline of 10:00am October 15,2020. This meeting will be closed to the public. There needs to be a Town Board decision (approval/disapproval) to Justin Henry no later than date/time stated above," the release stated. It was signed by council members Steve Dickerson, Bev Root and Jerry Currier. 

Two hours later, there was yet another statement from the town supervisor, referencing a release he sent out in July when a similar conflict occurred. It read in part...Per the extended state of emergency that has been declared...there will be no such regular Town Board meeting.  Any meeting held by the three board members will not be a legal Town Board meeting and no lawful business can be transacted at such an illegal meeting.

Court action is still pending regarding numerous town government disputes in the Town of Alma, population 837. 837.