
Friday, October 16, 2020

Allegany County: Public Works Committee meeting minutes - Oct. 7, 2020

 Public Works Committee

October 7, 2020

Members Present: D. Fanton, J. Ricci, P. Curran, W. Dibble, K. Graves, D. Healy, C. Crandall (Absent: G. Barnes)

Others Present: B. Harris, S. Havey, J. Henry, K. Hooker, J. Hopkins, C. Knapp, B. Riehle, D. Root, T. Ross, P. Stockin, M. Washer

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Public Works Committee Chairman Dwight Fanton at 1:05 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Legislator Graves, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried to approve the minutes of September 2, 2020.


Permission to Award Hauling of Sand and Salt for 2020 – 2021 Public Works Superintendent Justin Henry stated bids for the hauling of sand and salt for 2020– 2021 were opened on Thursday, September 17, 2020, and the following bids were received:

Mr. Henry requested permission to award the hauling of sand and salt for 2020 – 2021, and his request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Ricci, and carried. Mr. Henry noted that last year was the first year DPW performed sand/salt deliveries to towns in the northeast of the County. They started these deliveries to gain cost savings for the County by utilizing a current Livingston County contract to purchase salt directly from the salt mine. Mr. Henry continued that Livingston County does not participate with the OGS contract and because of that, their contract does not include delivery and salt is $42 per ton vs $56 delivered. Mr. Henry stated it worked out quite well, and after the material cost, mileage, equipment, and manpower, they still received a savings of approximately $9,000. Mr. Henry noted they plan to do the same thing for a total of three towns this year, and if projections work out, they are hoping to save roughly $60,000. Legislator Graves asked if they are essentially piggy backing, and Mr. Henry stated, yes. Legislator Healy stated it is always good to see a maximum efficiency of manpower in any of our departments.

Update on Town of Birdsall, County Route 16, Black Creek Bridge (BIN#3047860)

Mr. Henry stated they entered the construction phase on the Town of Birdsall, County Route 16 over Black Creek Bridge (BIN#3047860) this season, and up until last Thursday it was going quite smoothly. Mr. Henry noted this is a Local Design Services Agreement (LDSA) project. Mr. Henry went on to say the day they were supposed to have four concrete beams delivered to their worksite, the first beam got hung up on the off ramp in Angelica in the early afternoon which caused some stresses to the beam. They were able to get it under control, make repairs, and move forward; however, later that same day at approximately 4:30 p.m. when installing the beam, there was a malfunction that caused the beam to drop and rendered the beam unusable. Mr. Henry stated he, personally, has been involved with this process many times and has never encountered anything like it. Mr. Henry stated he met with all parties involved as well as held an onsite meeting, adding they have worked through everything, and he is comfortable saying the County will not incur any extra cost. Unfortunately, the bridge will have to remain closed for the winter season which is an unfortunate delay; however, he is glad that not only did no one got hurt, there is no extra cost to the County. Committee Chairman Fanton stated with this being a federal project, there is no responsibility delivering or setting the beams, so there should be no cost as it’s the contractors responsibility. Legislator Dibble stated it’s a good thing no one was hurt or killed.

Update on CHIPS Funding

Mr. Henry stated he has no new information since the recent memo regarding CHIPS funding that was sent out; however, after recently speaking with the Town of Genesee Supervisor Alex Smith who explained the predicament they are in, Mr. Henry offered to present to the committee an email Mr. Smith was going to send that explained their situation. Mr. Henry stated this email will show how fortunate the County was to pull out of the project before incurring any costs as one of our towns has already incurred the cost and are stuck with the bill. Legislator Dibble suggested they reach out to our Senator and Assemblyman on behalf of the Town of Genesee. Legislator Harris asked if the materials they purchased can be held over until next year, and if not, is it the type of material the County could purchase to alleviate their stress. Mr. Henry stated he is not 100 percent sure what the material is, but he assumes it’s an oil product which the County doesn’t purchase. Legislator Harris asked if a product like that will hold. Mr. Henry stated without knowing for sure what it is, he doesn’t know. Legislator Stockin indicated there are more towns than just Genesee that has experienced this.


There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:19 p.m. following a motion made by Legislator Graves, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary

Allegany County Board of Legislators