
Friday, October 16, 2020

Allegany County: Public Safety Committee minutes - Oct. 7, 2020


October 7, 2020

Members Present: D. Healy, W. Dibble, B. Harris, S. Havey, J. Hopkins, C. Crandall (Absent:D. Decker)

Other Present: B. Budinger, P. Curran, D. Clark (Alfred Fire/EMS), J. Cochran (Alfred Fire/EMS), D. Fanton, K. Graves, G. Green, K. Hooker, C. Ivers, B. Kelley, C. Knapp, S. Lanphier (MTS), J. Luckey, D. Marsh (MTS), K. Monroe, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, D. Root, R. Starks, P. Stockin, R. Swarthout, M. Washer, R. Whitney

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:25 p.m. by Public Safety Committee

Chairman Dwight “Mike” Healy.

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Harris, and carried to approve the Public Safety Committee minutes for September 2, 2020.


Public Defender Barb Kelley attended the meeting and submitted her monthly report to the committee for review. Ms. Kelley briefly highlighted her monthly report stating they have experienced a slowdown much like everyone else due to the shutdown of the courts. Ms. Kelley noted that our criminal case numbers are right where we were at this time last year. Legislator Harris asked if there is any state funding related to case load. Ms. Kelley stated funds will not disappear if their caseload stops, adding there is nothing specifically tied to fluctuations.


Emergency Management & Fire Director Jeff Luckey attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Luckey briefly highlighted events and meetings he attended in September. Mr. Luckey noted they are stating their fire meetings again Countywide, adding they are doing everything they can to return to normal while still following guidelines.

Fire Prevention Month

Mr. Luckey read aloud the following proclamation:

WHEREAS, in the United States, the first Presidential proclamation of Fire Prevention Week was made in 1925 by President Calvin Coolidge; and

WHEREAS, each year, during the month of October, Allegany County Fire Services take this

opportunity to remind the citizens of Allegany County of the devastating impact fire has on each

of us; and

WHEREAS, during the year 2019, our Allegany County Fire Departments' volunteers responded to 125 structure fires, 354 MVAs with injury, 52 vehicle fires, 98 outside fires and 465 fire alarms. The total number of calls for service was 3,234 fire calls. These were answered by 1,263 dedicated volunteers; and

WHEREAS, Allegany County has 28 Fire Departments that respond to calls. The members of the Allegany County Volunteer Fire Departments are ready to respond to save lives and property to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and

WHEREAS, this year's Fire Prevention Month Theme from the National Fire Prevention Association is "Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen." 

WHEREAS, this year's Fire Prevention Week is October 4-10 and the month of October is Fire Prevention Month; and

WHEREAS, individual fire departments may be holding open houses to offer their communities the chance to see and talk to the first responders of their district and hands on opportunities; and

WHEREAS, the members of the fire departments, fire investigators, deputy coordinators, and EMS providers engage in many hours of fire prevention through open houses, school demonstrations, and festivals to share the information with the public, to use the week of October 4-10 to educate the community on cooking hazards, the dangers of unattended cooking, and precautions they can take to prevent cooking-related fires; and

WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of the Fire Service providers by designating Fire Prevention Week;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Curtis W. Crandall, Chairman of the Allegany County Board of Legislators, hereby proclaim the week of October 4-10, 2020, as Fire Prevention Week, and October 2020 as Fire Prevention Month with the theme, "Serve Up Fire Safety In the Kitchen." I encourage the community to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.

Legislator Hopkins commended our fire departments and all that they do for us, stating in light of the millions of acres that are being burned in California, the County is fortunate to have the climate we do. Mrs. Hopkins additionally thanked all of those on call 24/7. Committee Chairman Healy echoed Mrs. Hopkins’ sentiments stating we owe a lot to our volunteer as well as all of the emergency services volunteers. They put in a lot of hours of training and service for the good of their communities all while receiving no pay.

Request to Accept and Appropriate the LEMPG-S COVID-19 Grant

Mr. Luckey requested a resolution to accept and appropriate the special LEMPG-S grant (contract number is T969104, WM209969104) for COVID-19. Approval to apply for the grant was given by Resolution No. 157-20. This grant is a 50/50 grant and can be used towards some of the PPE that has been purchased for COVID-19 to fulfill this grant. The new account number created for the grant is A2027 - COVID 19-EMPOG. The funds should be accepted and appropriated as follows:

Appropriation: Amount:

A2027.408 (General Supplies – Gowns, Face Masks, Surface Sanitizer) $10,700

Revenue: Amount:

A2027.3306.FEMA (St Aid – HS FEMA Supplemental COVID 19 EMS) $10,700

Legislator Harris asked if these funds are reimbursement for expenses already incurred for the purchase of supplies, and Mr. Luckey stated yes. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Harris, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means

Request to Accept and Appropriate the DHSES SHSP 20 Grant

Mr. Luckey request a resolution to accept and appropriate the DHSES SHSP 20 grant (contract#: T969100, DHSES # WM20969100). Approval to apply for this grant was provided through Resolution No. 100-20. The total grant with the SLETPP was $66,824, with 25 percent shared with the Sheriff’s Office towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities which equates to $20,056, and the remaining balance of $46,768 is for Emergency Services. The Emergency Services portion of the grant is required to be used for certain areas such as cyber security, soft targets, and emerging threats. The funds should be accepted and appropriated as follows:

Appropriation (Emergency Services Share - $46,768): Amount:

A3667E.207 Mobile & Portable Radios $34,768

A3667E.207 Computer Hardware (Cyber Security) $ 3,500

A3667E.207 Drone (Soft Targets) $ 4,200

A3667E.207 Electrostatic Sprayer (Emerging Threats) $ 3,500 ($45,968 .207 sub)

A3667E.416 Telephone/Connectivity $ 800

Total: $46,768

Appropriation (Sheriff’s 25 percent Share - $20,056): Amount:

A3667S.210 Sheriff – Equipment Other $20,056

Revenue: Amount:

A3667E.3306.ES20 St Aid OES HS SHSP T#969100 $46,768

A3667S.3306.SH20 St Aid ACSO HS SHSP T#969100 $20,056

Total: $66,824

Mr. Luckey noted the electrostatic sprayer will spray the vehicle creating a negative charge so the disinfectant sticks to the vehicle. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Harris, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means Request to Accept and Appropriate the FY2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant.

Mr. Luckey requested a resolution to accept the contract for the FY2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant in the amount of $23,019 for the usage of the funds in 2019 - 2022. This grant is used to offset salary costs in the amount of $14,094 within the Office of Emergency Management in regards to mitigation, preparing, planning, and recovery from manmade and natural disasters. Three thousand three hundred dollars ($3,300) will be used to purchase PPE, $1,625 will be used for training of the Emergency Services staff, and $4,000 will be used to offset the cost of rent. This grant is for FY 2020 (October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2022). No Budget adjustment is necessary as this grant is already budgeted in the 2020 Budget as well as in the 2021 Budget. The appropriation of funds is as follows:

Appropriation: Amount:

A3645.1 Salary $14,094

A3645.207 PPE $ 3,300

A3645.405 Conference $ 1,625

A3645.414 Rent $ 4,000

 Total: $23,019

Already in our budget - See budget from DHSES to coincide.

Resolution No. 215-20 provided the Office of Emergency Services &

Fire authorization to apply for the Homeland Security FY20 LEMPG


Revenue: Amount:

A3656.3306.EMPG8 (Description) $23,019

Legislator Harris asked if the $3,300 purchase of PPE is for the sole use of Mr. Luckey’s department. Mr. Luckey stated, yes. Legislator Harris asked how long it is expected to last and is it COVID-19 PPE. Mr. Luckey stated the funds will purchase them one and a half sets of gear (i.e. bunker pants, boots, gloves, etc.), and the gear is for fire emergency area response. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Havey, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means

Request to Re-Appropriate and Extend the SHSP17 Grant

Mr. Luckey requested a resolution to re-appropriate and extend the SHSP 17 (Contract #C969170, DHSES# WM17969-170, Project # SH17-1014- D00) grant through December 31, 2020. Items that will be purchased from October 2020 to December 2020 will be SCBA masks, damage assessment, N-95 fit testing, and medical response equipment. These funds will pay the annual calibration for the fit test system as well as cell phone from September to December. The amount that needs to be re-appropriated in 2020 is $1,719.44 to reflect the balance to be spent of $ 9,610.90 through December 31, 2020. The funds should be re-appropriated as follows:

Appropriation: Amount:

A3661 2.07 Equipment – Emergency Services $ 1,719.44

Revenue: Amount:

A3661.3306.EM17 St Aid – 2017 HS SHSPC#969170 $ 1,719.44

Original Grant Total $ 52,485.00

Spent prior to extension $42,874.10

Extended amount $ 9,610.90

Current amount available in 2020 budget $ 7,891.46

Balance needed for extension $ 1,719.44

This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means


District Attorney Keith Slep was unable to attend the meeting but submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.


STOP-DWI Coordinator Brian Perkins was unable to attend the meeting but submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.

Approval of the 2021 STOP-DWI Plan

On behalf of Mr. Perkins, County Administrator Carissa Knapp requested a resolution approving the 2021 STOP-DWI Plan as shown below. Mr. Perkins is also requesting that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the certification page of the plan.





Enforcement $25,000

Prosecution $ 3,000

Court Related $ 2,000

Probation $ 3,000

Rehabilitation $ 500

Public Information/Education $11,966

Administration $43,078

Total: $88,544



FISCAL IMPACT: 0%: Program revenue funded by DWI fines

Legislator Harris stated that Mr. Perkins’ request lists no fiscal impact to the County, and asked if it’s correct to state that there is a fiscal impact to his fund balance if the DWI fines don’t cover the disbursements to local agencies. Administrator Knapp stated, yes, she believes so. County Treasurer Terri Ross stated, yes, Legislator Harris is correct. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried. (Opposed: B. Harris) Refer to Ways and Means


Probation Director Robert Starks attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Starks briefly highlighted his report stating work is slowly starting to pick up, adding now that schools are back in session and local courts are starting to re-open, we should start seeing more activity. Request to Accept the NYS OCFS Grant Funds for the Supervision and Treatment Services for Juveniles Program

Mr. Starks requested a resolution accepting grant funds in the amount of $178,327 from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) for the Supervision and Treatment Services for Juveniles Program (STSJP). The grant period is October 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021, and these funds have already been included in the budget under A3147.448. Mr. Starks noted that this grant previously ran through Social Services; however, Probation is now taking it over. Legislator Hopkins asked if there will be a difference in spending moving to a new department. Mr. Starks stated, no, the Probation Department always did the work and would bill DSS for reimbursement. Legislator Graves asked if this grant is susceptible to the 20 percent reduction. Mr. Starks stated he does not believe so as it was just sent out the other day, and they actually received more than last year. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Havey, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Prepare Resolution


Weights & Measures Director Gilbert Green attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Green briefly highlighted his monthly report.


Sheriff Rick Whitney attended the meeting and submitted his monthly reports to the committee for review. Sheriff Whitney stated he attended the NYS Sheriff’s Conference in Saratoga Springs where they spent several hours discussing the Police Reform. Committee Chairman Healy asked what the overall consensus was from the discussion. Sheriff Whitney stated we’re already doing a lot of it so it’s redundant.

Alfred Tower

Legislator Dibble asked for an update on the Alfred tower. County Administrator Carissa Knapp stated she is unsure of the most recent status of the tower; however, she did receive documentation that electric was being run to the tower two weeks ago. 911 Head Dispatcher Randy Swarthout stated the electric poles have been set, but the wires haven’t been installed yet, adding our electrician has been contracted next week for our side of the install. Committee Chairman Healy asked who we are waiting on for the other end of the install. Mr. Swarthout indicated the electric company to run wire. Administrator Knapp asked if Mr. Swarthout believes we are making good progress, and Mr. Swarthout stated, yes. Legislator Harris asked once electric is hooked up, how long before the tower is turned on. Mr. Swarthout indicated it’s just a

matter of making sure the equipment is fine-tuned, adding he can’t give a good timeline because our radio vendor is currently working on another project out of state. Committee Chairman Healy asked if Mr. Swarthout could ballpark a timeframe. Mr. Swarthout stated he hopes before the end of the year; however, he will not commit to any kind of timeline.


There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Harris, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary

Board of Legislators