
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Wellsville Town Board agenda for Wednesday March 11, 2020


1. Pledge to the Flag

2. Minutes from February 12, 2019 Regular Meeting

3. Community Comment

4.  Financial Reports

5.  Proctor Road Property: Property transfer to ED Foundation

6.   Departmental Reports

A. Town Clerk *                                 (*indicates report received)
B. Dog Control
C. Justice*
D. Fire Department
E. Assessor
F. Code Enforcement
G Highway*
H. Park*
I. Airport*
J. Planning Board – Meeting March 10, 2020 7 PM – Airport

7. Highway:
            A. Mini Excavator
8. Airport

            A. Fuel monitoring system low bid approval.
            B. Approval to sell scaffolding from main hangar by bid.
            C. Purchase a GPU unit

9. YMCA: Will be doing presentation. Town to Present check to YMCA 

10. Audit: Need board resolution acknowledging the required examination was conducted. (Justice                           ONLY) 

11. Code Enforcement: Unsafe Structure 

A.     Would like the town to purchase a colored printer. 

12. Annual approval of updated discrimination/Sexual Harassment Policy. 

13. Fire Protection Policy: 

            A. Sinclair Water District
                B. Community Development  

15. Supervisor/Councilmen Reports

A.      W. Fish
B.      P. Graves
C.      M. Miller
D.   J. Case
E.   A. Alsworth – Board meeting location 

16. Executive Session: personnel matter; possible litigations & Employment history of a particular person. 

17. Audit/Payment of Bills – Abstract #3

Next Board Meeting, April 8, 2020 @ 7pm

ü  Planning Board Meeting: March 9, 2020 @ 7pm @ Airport

ü  Airport Meeting March 10, 2020 @ 7PM