
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Wellsville: Faith Community Response to Coronavirus Explored

With spread of the coronavirus in both New York and Pennsylvania, an Allegany County group is examining the potential for establishing a Faith Community Health Ministry Network of churches and other Christian organizations to help build awareness for this and other health issues encountered on an ongoing basis by county individuals and families.

The Hope Center, which helps equip churches and other groups and individuals to enhance outreach to congregants and residents of their communities, is gauging interest for such an activity, intensifying after governors of both New York and Pennsylvania issued a states of emergency or disaster declaration as the deadly virus spreads within these states, the nation and internationally.

The local initiative is a broader application of national and international faith community nurses or parish nurse endeavors which focus on current and retired nurses working within and through churches to address a wide variety of public health needs.

The Center is determining interest by current and retired nurses, doctors and other medical personnel, human services professionals and workers, and others who may be interested in such efforts.

Casey Jones, Hope Center Planning Group chair, said that establishment of Faith Community Health Ministry Networks within and among churches, fits with its own focus on creating ambassadors or liaisons between the Center and churches and Christian organizations in order to expand efforts to assist individuals and families who may be struggling with any number of issues.

“Although we pray the coronavirus does not reach Allegany County directly,” Jones said, “associated impacts involving family members and friends in other parts of the state, country and internationally, along with economic impacts, can have traumatic results locally.”

The initiative also helps to establish a foundation for awareness involving other physical, mental and spiritual health issues and can serve as a liaison between health and human services entities and the faith community.

“The time to start planning for a hurricane or tornado is not when a flood or wind is coming through the front door, or for a winter storm when there is a foot-and-a-half of snow on the ground and it still is coming down, but in advance of such potentials,” Jones said, likening it to the growing potential for a coronavirus epidemic or pandemic.

A large part of the proposed effort is in gathering and disseminating information to churches and their congregations since they generally meet at least once a week, along with connecting individuals within congregations and communities they serve with resources that can aid in addressing life issues.

The Hope Center already serves in this capacity in some areas and is open to addressing others as issues and volunteers are identified.

The Center has been involved in public awareness related to early childhood and other traumas, substance abuse issues, various types of prevention focuses particularly those related to children, dyslexia and other reading assistance for children and adults, mental health, information and referral for individuals and families who are struggling with many types of life issues, and more.  It also has partnered with Celebrate Recovery – Allegany County to increase the number of volunteers and groups in churches throughout Allegany County to help meet the needs of both teens and adults who are struggling with any type of hurt, hangup, habit or life issue, including addictions.

During March, the Center is focusing on reading issues which negatively impact a significant portion of Allegany County's children and adults and building true church and community collaborations which can expand services while reducing costs of doing so.  In April, substance abuse will be highlighted, following by mental health in May and general prevention, particularly associated with summer activities, in June.

The Mission Genesee Valley coalition of churches and other Christian organizations, the umbrella entity for the Hope Center, also will be holding community prayer gatherings on the fourth Sundays of the month, with a March focus on suicides and April on drug and alcohol issues.  Locations still are being determined.
The Hope Center, a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador, already posts weather alerts directly from the National Weather Service on its Facebook page and began posting basic coronavirus information, which it also distributed directly to churches and Christian organizations, earlier this month.
Further information on the Hope Center and this new initiative is available at or from Jones at or (484) 435-0503.  Information on Mission Genesee Valley is at and Celebrate Recovery at