
Friday, February 7, 2020

Wellsville: $17 million grant to fuel Jones Memorial Hospital expansion

WELLSVILLE, NY (February 7, 2020) – Jones Memorial Hospital announced today that the hospital has been awarded a NYS Healthcare Facility Transformation Grant in the amount of $16,856,625.00. These grant funds are designated to be used for four projects at the hospital, including three targeting capital improvement.
“We are absolutely thrilled to be approved for this grant funding,” said Eva Benedict, CEO at Jones. “These projects reflect our commitment to continue to care for this community as we have for nearly 100 years.” The capital improvement projects include adding a third floor to the 1993 addition for desperately needed physician offices and the services to support those offices, expanding and modernizing the surgical services suite, and creating a permanent MRI suite with state-of-the-art equipment. In addition, the grant will fund an initiative to integrate behavioral health and primary care.
“This is a major step forward in the future of healthcare services in our community,’ said Rich Ewell, Chairman of the Jones Memorial Board of Directors. “These grants are available only to institutions that have demonstrated a true commitment to providing top quality health care and that have a plan to succeed operationally and financially in the future. Over the past several years, a massive amount of effort has gone into applying for and advocating for this award. The Board extends its sincere thanks to Jones CEO Eva Benedict, JMH Chief Financial Officer Jim Helms, and other Jones Memorial directors who have been a part of the process. We also have to thank UR Medicine’s Associate Vice President of Business Development Michele Lawrence and Steve Goldstein, president/CEO of Highland and Strong Memorial, and other University of Rochester personnel who have been a part of the effort to secure this grant.“
“The goal of UR Medicine is to provide high-quality health care close to home for families across upstate New York, including communities in and around Allegany County,” said Steven I. Goldstein, president and CEO of Strong Memorial and Highland hospitals in Rochester, and senior vice president of the University of Rochester Medical Center. “Gov. Cuomo and New York State should be applauded for making an investment that enables Jones Memorial to expand and modernize as part of the UR Medicine system.”
The grant application was submitted nearly 2 years ago.  “While we have conceptual drawings for these capital projects, we will be revisiting those plans,” added Mrs. Benedict. “To assure that the new construction meets the needs of patients and staff, we will be working closely with JMH directors and staff as well as the medical providers who will be working in the new spaces.”
The Transformation Grant program is intended to help facilities re-design and “transform” their organization to accommodate the changing healthcare environment by funding capital improvements that support revenue streams that stabilize and strengthen the financial stability of the organization. 
“This is an exciting time for Jones Memorial Hospital,” she added. “We are so grateful to the NYS Department of Health and Governor Cuomo for the grant award.”