
Thursday, February 6, 2020

NEWS: Allegany County Group Highlights National Marriage Week

The Allegany County Hope Center and its Planning Group are recognizing and promoting National Marriage Week USA from Friday, February 7, through Friday, February 14, which is Valentine's Day.  From left are Anita Baird Jones, Robert Stern, Kate Rulison and Denise Regan.
WELLSVILLE -- An Allegany County ministry is joining a February National Marriage Week USA movement to highlight how strong, safe marriages can result in happier relationships, lower poverty rates, and less trauma among children which, left unmitigated, can last a lifetime.
The Hope Center, created as a Hub of Hope of Allegany County churches, is participating with church, government, business, education, human services and other community leaders throughout the country in this 11th annual campaign that runs from Friday, February 7, through Friday, February 14 which is Valentine's Day.
Casey Jones, Transformation Initiative -- Building Healthy Communities Through Healthy FamiliesTM and chair of the Hope Center Planning Group, said the recognition of strong marriages reflects the Center's year-around focus on community awareness and education about subjects that help support individuals and families.
Campaign organizers say a number of studies have shown that married adults live longer lives, enjoy better health, and achieve greater personnel happiness, including greater intimacy, wealth and financial stability than those who simply are cohabiting.
Marriage also benefits children and reduces poverty, they report, with children raised by both parents at home performing better in school, and having lesser rates of addiction, teenage pregnancy and trouble with the law.  On the other hand, single motherhood is the greatest cause for poverty among women and children, according to the campaign, with healthy marriages saving U.S. taxpayers over $110 billion annually from what would be the financial impacts associated with divorce, along with unwed childbearing which now reflects nearly two out of five children.
The Hope Center is encouraging married couples and those considering marriage to engage with church and other Christian groups that can provide safe connections and fellowship in support of marriage and parenting.
 “Oftentimes, when couples are going through difficult times, friends and family members start taking sides in a non-constructive manner, helping to create further dissensions and splits,” Jones said, “while safe friends and supports can help couples overcome differences and preserve marriages and families.
 “We frequently hear about couples who are separating or divorcing, often causing extended periods of hardship and ongoing strife, he noted.  “Many restored marriages also occur, however, even after separation or divorce, celebrations of which often are ignored or short-lived because animosity has ceased.
 “Marriages can be restored for those willing to work on them and, from a Christian perspective, relying on Godly principles for marriage and families,” he said, with the Brookings Institution, a nonprofit public policy organization, reporting that married parents are much more likely to stay together than cohabiting ones and also earn more financially, resulting in much fewer cases of poverty.
Further information on National Marriage Week USA and the positive impacts of marriage are available at
Resources to aid in achieving strong marriages, including those involving military and step or blended families, are available at, with marriage booklets available at the Hope Center during its 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday openings.
During March, the Hope Center will continue its families focus with observance of National Reading Month, including its free, ongoing reading and dyslexia assistance for children and adults, with a free children's book giveway also being planned.  Drugs and alcohol awareness is planned for April, which also recognizes National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, mental health awareness in May, and family safety in June as summer vacations begin.
The Mission Genesee Valley coalition of churches and Christian organizations, of which the Hope Center is a ministry, will highlight suicide prevention during its monthly community prayer gathering on March 22, and the county's drug issue on April 26, with locations to be determined.
Further information on the Hope Center and its activities are available at  Those interested in becoming involved in this multi-church movement to help strengthen individuals and families in Allegany County and beyond can contact Jones at or (484) 435-0503.