
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Town of Wellsville votes to leave Municipal Building

In a unanimous decision, the Wellsville Town Board voted Wednesday night to leave the Municipal Building on Main Street and (temporarily) relocate to the town-owned Wellsville Municipal Airport. Town Supervisor Shad Alsworth admitted that he has receive an "overwhelming amount of feedback" on the topic. He reiterated that the town's finances are challenging and had trouble justifying paying $1,000 a month rent to the village when operations could be moved for a couple of years to property owned by the town. He added that the village was requiring a signed lease, which Alsworth said, would new ADA compliance issues. The town also approved spending $4,500 for improvements to the airport and would accept the low bid for moving equipment out of the Main Street location. The town expects to be operating from the airport by January 30, 2020. Councilman Jesse case stressed the move was "only temporary."
Village government office have also moved from the Municipal Building to 23 North Main Street.