
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Wellsville: Laura Young, MSW, named Jones Memorial Hospital Care Champion

Congratulating Laura Young on her selection as a Jones Memorial Hospital Care Champion is Michele McMorris, Director of Operations for the Jones Memorial Medical Practices.
WELLSVILLE, NY (March 10, 2020) – Laura Young, MSW, Adult Social Worker for the Jones Memorial Medical Practices, has been selected as the Care Champion for the fourth quarter of 2019.
Four times a year, the hospital recognizes a staff member or volunteer as a Care Champion. To be nominated, the person must demonstrate through words or actions an exemplary commitment to JMH patients, their co-workers, and the JMH employee code of conduct. Each quarter, the Employer of Choice Committee selects the most outstanding nominee.
Laura was nominated by Physician Assistant Shannon Mooney, who noted that Laura’s care and compassion for their patients in the short time she has been in the practice has been incredible. “One example that stands out involves a patient named Roger,” Shannon said in her nomination. “I asked Laura to see him after his appointment with me because of his inadequate housing.” Laura followed Roger home after the appointment to evaluate his living situation. Using a flashlight to light the way, Roger led her to his home: A camper in the middle of a field without electricity, plumbing, or running water. “Laura went home and had her significant other go through his closet and pull out several items of clothing that he was no longer wearing because, she said, even if it is a little worn out, it is better than what Roger has,” Shannon noted. The next day, Laura brought the clothes along with a box of food and information about an apartment for the winter. On Thanksgiving Day she look him a Thanksgiving dinner. “I think we all need to be more like Laura,” she added.
Laura has been a part of practice management since September 2019. Looking at the nomination, it is no surprise that her favorite part of the job is helping resolve the issues facing our patients. “Being a social worker at Jones Memorial is incredibly rewarding,” she said, noting that the team atmosphere leaves her feeling encouraged and empowered to help patients in their time of need. “Together our we are changing lives and showing our community that we truly care. I am blessed to be able to help to help others and make a difference.”
The oldest of ten children, Laura has three children and enjoys meeting new people. “I was raised to look for the positive and learn something new every day,” she added.
Please join us in congratulating Laura on her selection as a 2019 Care Champion!