
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

State lawmakers, in press conference today, call for repeal of recently-enacted criminal justice reforms

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) and members of the Assembly Minority Conference called for an immediate repeal of recently-enacted criminal justice reforms that put New Yorkers at risk. At a press conference held today in Albany, lawmakers were joined by families directly impacted by the new bail reform laws, and law-enforcement officials who expressed serious concerns with the new requirements.

Assemblyman Joseph M. Giglio, who represents Allegany County, said the problems with the criminal justice package recently passed are not limited to putting the public at risk.
 “These laws are simply unworkable from a legal and law enforcement standpoint,” said Giglio. “Judges and prosecutors alike are being asked to do things outside the scope of normal legal procedure. Judicial discretion is being assaulted by these laws and lawyers are being forced to conduct pre-trial discovery in ways that are unprecedented. This is bad policy that jeopardizes the integrity of the judicial system.”