Startling seedlings for the garden |
The 100% certified organic and Non-GMO Project Verified
seeds are practical, useful, helpful and most importantly, hopeful as we all
continue to strive for creating a positive and healthy planet. High Mowing
Organic Seeds is a small grassroots Vermont-based company with an outstanding
reputation that spans the nation. For every seed packet sold through the
fundraiser, the Alfred Farmers Market is able to keep 50% of the profits. Each
seed packet is $2.95, and there are 22 classic vegetables and three flowers to
choose from. In addition to a wide selection of individual seed packets, High
Mowing Seeds also offers a variety of thoughtfully curated boxed collections.
This year, the Market set the goal of selling 300 packets in
the community with the deadline for orders by March 15, 2020. To find the order
form of vegetables and flowers and curated boxes, visit their website or click on the Alfred Farmers Market's Facebook page.
Seeds for this fundraiser must be ordered through market personnel. Please
email or call 518-937-3234 to place an
order. With any purchase of $50 or more,
Sasha Khodorkovskiy of Living Acres Farm in Alfred Station will give a free
garden consultation. Don't miss out on this easy, genuinely sustainable
opportunity to show support for your local farmers market.