WELLSVILLE - Nineteen members of Morrison Hayes Unit 702 American Legion Auxiliary participated in a Service to remember the Units 165 deceased members on Sunday, May 26th, 2019 in front of Post 702 American Legion. Nine Legionnaires and three Sons of the American Legion also helped with the service. The family of the last deceased Auxiliary member, Penny Prokopchuk was also in attendance as a red carnation was placed in her memory.
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Monday, May 27, 2019
Wellsville: Morrison Hayes Unit 702 American Legion Auxiliary participate in service
WELLSVILLE - Nineteen members of Morrison Hayes Unit 702 American Legion Auxiliary participated in a Service to remember the Units 165 deceased members on Sunday, May 26th, 2019 in front of Post 702 American Legion. Nine Legionnaires and three Sons of the American Legion also helped with the service. The family of the last deceased Auxiliary member, Penny Prokopchuk was also in attendance as a red carnation was placed in her memory.