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Friday, May 31, 2019
Potter County Commissioners Welcome CBDG Grant Requests
An estimated $200,000 in federal funds is coming to Potter County in a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) this year. Commissioners Doug Morley, Paul Heimel and Susan Kefover will review applications and decide how the money is allotted. First step in the federally mandated process is a public meeting to solicit proposals. It’s scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, at the Gunzburger Building in Coudersport.
Typically, these preliminary meetings are attended by township and borough officials who are seeking support for infrastructure investments. Among recent local CDBG success stories are a water system upgrade in Genesee Township and wastewater treatment system improvements in Shinglehouse Borough and Roulette Township. The 2018 allotment is targeted for the sewage plant rehabilitation in Galeton. Other eligible uses include housing, economic development and public services, including property acquisition, recreation, facilities for senior citizens, and removal of architectural barriers for handicapped accessibility.
Jennifer Rossman, county director of community development, administers the CDBG program for the commissioners. She points out that, to be eligible, projects must provide a benefit to documented low- or moderate-income residents. Exceptions can be made for proposals that address an urgent health or safety threat. A series of public hearings and meetings with potential recipients will be scheduled to assess funding requests for the 2019 allotment, starting with a hearing and project development workshop at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 18. More information is available from Jennifer Rossman at 814-274-8290, ext. 209, or